Hello my lovelies! I meant to have this post up a way sooner. But I'm having a pretty crappy week. I've been dealing with a very irritating health problem among other things.
I haven't been feeling well at all and for most of the week I really did not want to work on/do anything. I waited until I was feeling more like myself before continuing to work on this post. After all, if I weren't myself this post wouldn't be half as good or interesting.
Also, this blog has officially gotten over 1,000 page views!! YAY!! :D.
It took me at least a year to get 1,000 views on my old blog and I just started this blog in January!! I am beyond excited. Thank you so much to everyone that reads this blog and supports me <3
On Sunday I watched this Sailor Moon Crystal episode again and took careful, detailed notes as usual so that I could write this review. So many things happened this week and I was spazzing a lot so here I am writing you another review! As always, if you haven't seen the episode this is a super duper spoiler alert post.
All images in this post are my own. I took pictures of the episode as it played on my TV screen. Some image quality may not be up to par but that is because of the brightness on my tv.
This episode is entitled Crystal Tokyo: King Endymion. It was basically story time with Endymion. Yes really, he talked for most of the episode. But that's alright, I would listen to my baby talk for an hour *^*. Any incarnation of Tuxedo Mask/Endymion = husbando.
This episode started with a bit of recap of the previous one. Chibi-Usa is showing the group (Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Tuxedo Mask, Luna and Artemis) her mother. She then sees Diana who runs over to Neo King Endymion. I forgot to mention this in the last SMC post, but I'm really glad they chose to put Endymion in all white instead of purple. It looks classier and more regal. I love it *^*.
My friend, Jeff (AKA ReimHelix from twitter. Hiiii! :D) pointed something out to me that I need to mention: Diana's eye color changed!! This is her eye color at the end of episode 19:
And this is her eye color in episode 20:
I normally don't notice these things (because I'm too busy being a spazz) so kudos! I have heard many people complain about small animation issues in this series.
Now continuing our recap: Chibi-Usa runs over to see her dad and is saddened to find out that she runs right through him. (Oh noes! ;___;).
King Endymion welcomes the group to Neo Crystal Tokyo and the Crystal Palace. He then reveals that he's a "spirit without a body (I thought of him as a hologram) after Usagi notices that he has no reflection. .....Really Usagi?? That's the first odd thing you notice? He then reveals that his true body is in a room laying unconscious.
Endymion (every time I hear his name, I think of the Activia commercial and mentally sing Endymion! Like the song in the commercial goes Activia!) reveals that he is indeed the future Tuxedo Mask (*cough* no shit Sherlock *cough*).
Mamoru's look of surprise is priceless! Cutie! Endymion then prompts Chibi-Usa to introduce herself as the princess of the Silver Millenium - Endymion's and Neo Queen Serenity's daughter.
Can we talk about how freaking adorable Mamoru looks???? |
Usagi and Mamoru freak out over the fact that Chibi-Usa is their future daughter.
The surprised looks were so funny and cute! I was DYING when they panned to their embarassed looks. Mamoru's look of embarassment was adorable bahaha! YES Mamoru, now everyone knows what you and Usagi have been up to ;).
Omg this image of Chibi-Usa was SO cute!! |
I need to point out how adorable I find it that Endymion calls Chibi-Usa small lady.
Also, when Usagi is told that she's Neo Queen Serenity...why the shock?? Seriously?! Usagi you should have figured that out,everyone else did (well everyone meaning the audience). Plus didn't you notice she looks like you? I feel like a lot of the shocked faces in this episode were overly dramatic...shouldn't be that shocked over some of the obvious things!
Now back to story time with Endymion! Venus asks him why Neo Queen Serenity is covered by the silver crystal. He tells us that she almost never left the palace, but did one day in a panic. Then the huge explosion we were told about in the last episode happened. The Crystal Palace was blown away. In an act of protection, the silver crystal immediately covered Serenity, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Endymion. Diana and Chibi-Usa were the only ones spared. Endymion had in the past told Chibi-Usa stories of Serenity's time as Sailor Moon so she went to the past to find Sailor Moon to help.
Diana then introduces herself to Luna and Artemis as their daughter. Of course insert overly dramatic looks of surprise. Their surprise was so freaking adorable though!! I was squee-ing!
.JPG) |
So Kawaii!! Ahh!! |
Tuxedo Mask then asks Endymion why he never aged. In more story time with Endymion he explains! The life span of the Silver Millennium family is 1000 years! At adulthood they stopped aging. Neo Queen Serenity was crowned as queen and gave birth at 22, at that time she stopped aging. All of this is due to the power of the silver crystal. In fact, everyone on earth gained this power as well afterwards and they enjoyed a peaceful reign...until the Black Moon attacked. People began vanishing due to the large black crystal in the center of Neo Crystal Tokyo which is called the Malefic Black Crystal. Earth started to deteriorate. The silver crystal was the only way to defeat it and the only person that can use it is Serenity.
The Black Moon claimed the dark forbidden planet, Nemisis as their own. They attacked earth to steal the crystal and wanted to conquer Earth. We then find out that the Malefic Black Crystal is the black moon's energy source - which all of it's members wears as earrings (yes, those fabulous earrings are really evil...I still want a pair)
Suddenly, amidst story time Usagi and Mamoru begin to disappear! Endymion exclaims that they need to hurry back to the past. Multiples of the same person can not be in the same time and space.
I'm only posting this because I thought the Sailor Moon/Neo Queen Serenity comparison was beautiful *^* NO SHAME HERE! |
They're also too close to their future selves which is causing a strain. Sailor Moon tells him that they need to save Mercury, Mars and Jupiter (whom I thought everyone had forgotten about....I kind of did for a while). Endymion says that they are probably held captive on Nemesis and that if they come back later he can help. That line honestly cracked me up. It sounded like something out of a video game.
Endymion asks Chibi-Usa if she can defend herself and adorably pats her on her head. I love any interactions between the two so much, it's so adorable!!
Tuxedo Mask speaks up and says he would risk his life to protect her. Endymion says how strange it feels to speak to his past self face to face (duh, Endymion) then asks Mamoru to take care of his daughter.
Someone (I think Venus?) tells Endymion that they had no idea that Sailor Pluto even existed. Endymion replies to this with a little info on Pluto.
Pluto is perfection *^* |
Pluto has a different role than Serenity's four guardians (the innder senshi). She descends from Chronos, the god that controls time and she protects the door of time alone as her duty.
The group then goes to the time door to see Pluto. Endymion asks her to give Sailor Moon the time key since it is an emergency so that she can reach Pluto without getting lost. He lets Sailor Moon know that Pluto is the oldest senshi in existence and that she can make decisions very well. He proclaims that she can definitely help them. At this point Pluto, Endymion and Sailor Moon were conversing while everyone just stood in silence. I couldn't help but laugh at Venus' and Chibi-Usa's faces! They look so bored! I bet if Jupiter were there in place of Venus she would have mentioned Endymion reminding her of a past lover xD.
The senshi warp home and hilariously end up in a heap under Venus' butt xD. These pics are for my Sailor Venus fanboys (Hi Jeff! XD). I was dying when either Usagi or Chibi-Usa (I can't remember which) gave her crap for being heavy xD. Meanwhile poor Mamoru is at the bottom of the heap with everyone on top of him.
From there, Mamoru insists on bringing Chibi-Usa home with him and being responsible for her. Usagi has one of her jealous shit-fits and freaks out on him claiming he chose Chibi-Usa over her, the other senshi and the future then runs off dramatically. Calm your tits Usagi, you forget that Chibi-Usa is your daughter. Stop being jealous thinking your man is in love with your daughter, 'cuz that's ridiculous. The scene cuts to her crying in bed, lamenting over how stupid she is being jealous and that it's natural for Mamoru to want to protect his daughter. (FINALLY! See, Usagi? I was right.) But she is upset that he chooses to protect her on his own rather than include her...which I don't blame her for being upset about. They're supposed to be a team.
Another scene cut to Mamoru dramatically looking out the window as Chibi-Usa is tearing up in bed missing her dad.
The next morning, Mamoru wakes up (well hellooo Mamoru *^*) to (surprise, surprise) see Chibi-Usa is missing. She yet again is at the time door.
I love any interaction between Pluto and Chibi-Usa |
Pluto gives her crap for being there alone and Chibi-Usa says that she's used to it (awwwww ;___; cue some feels). Also that she's glad her and Pluto are friends.
She then walks into the Crystal Palace where we see Endymion, the senshi and the cats bodies laying unconscious. She goes up to Endymion. Chibi-Usa seems so much closer to Endymion than her mother.
Diana is shown sleeping with Luna and Artemis, which almost made me cry ;__;. Chibi-Usa goes up to her mother, crying asking for her to open her eyes. Endymion's spirit/hologram form thing is shown watching her from afar.
Next we see Demande with a hologram of Princess Serenity. Hehe I actually remember now why he has that, but fear not! I shall not spoil it for you all. Rubeus and Esmaraude pop in and they're fighting as usual.
Esmaraude asks Demande for one more chance to use the ability that the Wise Man gave to her - Code Extra, Operation Re-Lax. I need to mention that I love Esmaraude's outfit. She always looks like she's going clubbing!
Here's Demande because he's pretty. Yes, I'm a fangirl. BBY!!! |
Esmaraude appears and attacks Chibi-Usa. The senshi and cats luckily show up at the right moment to rescue her.
Venus Love Me Chain for my fanboys:
Tuxedo Mask catches Chibi-Usa. He looks hella pissed off. You don't fuck with a man's future daughter! Esmaraude uses the Malefic crystal against them. Sailor Moon tries to attack back but her Halation won't activate. Esmaraude attacks the senshi and sucks their energy.
Endymion lends Tuxedo Mask his power so that he can use the Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber. Yay for Tuxedo Mask being useful!! Esmaraude is defeated. We are told that Sailor Moon can't attack because she can only use her crystal in the past.
Demande and Wise Man appear. We see a flashback comparing Sailor Moon to Serenity.
Demande activates his third eye, suddenly Sailor Moon can't look away from it or move. He attacks her and holds her in his power.
And that's the end of the episode! In a way not much happened but we got a LOT of new information thanks to story time with Endymion. I did really like this one. We got to see more of Endymion which is always a plus for me. Plus there were some really funny moments. After I watched this episode, I went back to read some of the manga. I read the chapters that episodes 19 and 20 were based off of. I never really payed that close attention before but a lot of the scenes from Sailor Moon Crystal are taken frame by frame from the manga! I knew they followed the manga closely but I didn't realize how close.
So now I'm even more excited for the next episode! I will not have the time to write a review for that episode though. I'm sure I'll mention this again next week but my birthday is next week! I will be extremely busy the weekend after my birthday (which is the weekend that we'll get the next SMC), as my birthday party is that Sunday! I've been planning my party for a little over a month now, I'm planning to write a post about it, because it's going to be cool if all works out!
Thanks for reading this super long post and I'm sorry that it's so late! Love you all <3
Moon prism power, makeup!