Hello dears! It has been nearly as month since I experienced my first pop culture convention, Connecticon. I meant to have this post up much sooner, but I have had some difficulties lately. Con took its toll on me (see the next 2 posts in my series about Connecticon 2016.) and I went through a nasty breakup that started the day after I returned home. My ex wasn't who he manipulated me into thinking he was and he treated me badly....that's all I will say. I have (and still am) dealing with a lot of hurt, it has been an extremely painful and ridiculously dramatic number of weeks. I have also been very depressed and it's been challenging for me to get anything done and to force myself to act like my regular self. So yeah... But I'm trying to be better and let go of my anger and just move on with my life.

Anyway! What is Connecticon? It is a pop culture convention in the state capital, Hartford of my home state, Connecticut. It is held one weekend in July every year; it's like comic con but much much smaller. Having social anxiety it was probably the best place to experience my first convention. Despite much drama and bullshit throughout the weekend I did have lots of fun! Warning, this is a pic- heavy and lengthy post. If you are in any of these pictures and would like to be credited or your image removed feel free to contact me.
I arrived in downtown Hartford Thursday morning with one of my best friends, Beckman and my ex. We had booked an early check - in to our hotel so that we could get settled and relaxed before con began. I should note that this was also my first time staying at a hotel. Yeah...I was acting like Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club, except mystified by the wonders of the non-commoners!
The view from our hotel room on thursday afternoon |
Yes, there's a big white blob. There was someone in the picture that I didn't want. |
We stayed at the Hilton, a 4 star hotel. The room was smaller than I expected but it was nice. The beds were comfy, we had a nice TV (though with limited channels), a good shower, a mini-fridge, a desk and we eventually figured out the free wifi. The hotel staff was very helpful with all of our needs. I was surprised with the complimentary toiletries they gave us in our bathroom.
It was actually a good brand, not a cheap off brand! Peter Thomas Roth, a brand I have seen at Sephora. I was also surprised at the amount of products we were given. I expected to see only a bar of soap, shampoo and conditioner.
After we unpacked a little and became settled we all headed to the pool. Our hotel had a nice sized indoor pool and hot tub (I didn't go into the hot tub). That day we had the pool all to ourselves, we decided to play Marco polo - weaboo style. No, there is no normal Marco polo with us geeks! We helped things such as "Eren, Levi", " Kirito, Sandwitch -kun" and "Kohai, Senpai." We also discovered that I absolutely SUCK at the game and went around yelling sandwich-kun like a loli.

At around 2:00 we left the hotel to go to the convention center to pick up our badges for the weekend. Surprisingly there was a free bus shuttle to transport people around downtown Hartford and it brought us to the convention center and back. We waited in line for about an hour (some people waited 3-4 hours). I was surprised to see people in costume already just to wait in line! Once we returned to the hotel we ordered dinner and ate, then Beckman and I went to the hotel bar for a few drinks. The bartender had a lot of interesting stories for us, especially since the concert arena was just across the street.
We went back to the room to repair my cosplay prop that had broken. We spent half the night running around trying to fix it, eventually having to go to the lobby to borrow a stapler.
Pretty bath! Before I started a flood... |
I took a lovely bath to unwind....and accidentally ended up flooding the bathroom 😂 good times!
Friday started off with a rocky start - I do not want to discuss the details here. We awoke early, got ready and headed to the convention center.
Me as Marceline from Adventure Time on friday in shitty lighting/ |
Taken on friday while chilling between panels. |
I started to notice people all over the hotel and all over the streets of Hartford in cosplay. I went to my very first panel - a fan run Sailor Moon panel where we discussed the state of the fandom and had various discussions about there manga and shows. It was great, I even made some friends!
Sailor Venus and Sailor Pluto at the fan-run Sailor Moon panel |
Male Peridot! (Steven Universe) |
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. They were both really nice and a lot of fun to chat with! |
We walked around the convention center a lot, checking things out and taking pictures of cosplays.
Ouran High School Host Club group |
My fabulous friend |
Black Butler cosplay group |
One of my favorite cosplays! Stereotypical anime mom |
Baymax! |
Attack on Titan Group |
Homura and Madoka, Madoka Magica |
The best Belcher family cosplayers! (Bob's Burgers). The picture was blurry and I hadn't realized it ;___; |
I discovered that there was an entire game room by the small in-building cafe! They had so many arcade games including DDR. I never got the chance to play because every time I went near them they were flooded with people. At one point we saw a Toph (Avatar the last Airbender) Cosplayer playing a game.....we were like TOPH YOU CAN SEE!! IT'S AS MIRACLE! hahaha. There was also a bunch of computers for the League of Legends tournament and various MMORPGs.
The next panel I went to that day was that of anime voice actor and the yellow Power Ranger himself, Johnny Yong Bosch. It was a Q&A where he discussed various characters he has voiced and told us some really funny stories; including the infamous quarters story!
I sat in the middle of the room taking creeper pictures he he.
They opened the Dealer room during the panel, so we went to check it out when the panel was over so it would be less swamped. The dealer room was what otaku dreams are made of.
Note: I didn't take these two images. Credit goes to a beautiful soul on the Connecticon Facebook page...because I forgot to take pics.
Beautiful things I didn't have enough money to buy ;____; |
There were tons of booths selling things from manga, comic books, figures, wigs, costumes, plushies, Japanese snacks..!!basically anything you could think to get at a con. Then there was the Artist Colony which took up about 1/3 of the room, where artists sold art prints. There was so much beautiful artwork, I wish I could have bought all of it!
After that we went to the Women of Voice Acting panel. I was SUPER excited for this one!
It started off with Brittany Lauda, Lauren Landa and Erica Mendez. These three ladies are anime voice actresses, Brittany Lauda being more on the directorial spectrum. If you don't know who they are, Brittany Lauda plays Michelia in Fairy Tail, Lauren Landa is Annie on Attack on Titan, Kyoko in Madoka Magica and Sailor Neptune in the new Sailor Moon dub. Lastly Erica Mendez plays Sailor Uranus in the new Sailor Moon dub, Tsubaki in Your Lie in April and Ryuko in Kill La Kill. I was very excited to see Erica, I love her work! They discussed what it is like being a woman in voice acting.
About midway through Linda Larkin, the voice of Jasmine from Aladdin joined them. She was such a sweetheart and had so many interesting stories! Her speaking voice is exactly like Jasmine's.
We went to the FMV contest, which was an AMV film festival and contest. We didn't get to see them all at that point but they were really cool.
I can't remember much of what happened between that and the next event, but we went to the Cosplay Dating Game which was hosted by Rick and Morty. It was a "3 bachelorettes on one side" type deal. There weren't many characters that I recognized, but the first round was the principal from Prison School and Mrs. Archer from Archer. I can't remember the 3rd Cosplayer or the bachelor. The convention center closed much earlier this year so when that was over we went back to the hotel; where we ordered dinner and went to the pool for a while before settling in for the night.
View from our hotel at night |
Saturday morning we woke up early to go to the next showing of the FMV festival. I was in a rush to get ready. I should have budgeted my time better! I was Usagi from Sailor Moon that day.
In line at Starbucks. Ahhh my wig was slipping! |
Fixed it! :D |
We went to Starbucks and then to the convention center. It was as good first event, I was able to chill/wake up more and finish my makeup. Below are a few of my favorite videos from it. My favorite was Animal Cannibal Shia Lebouf where they photoshopped Shia Lebouf's face onto Alucard in Hellsing.
I didn't have any more panels until later that afternoon so we just walked around the building and the dealer room.
Ciel, Black Butler |
Rose Quartz, Steven Universe |
Adorable Sword Art Online group |
Daenerys and Oberyn (Game of Thrones) |
Alucard, Hellsing |
My Chemical Romance, Danger Days cosplays |
Anastasia! |
Star Butterfly, Star vs The Forces of Evil |
Maes Hughes, Fullmetal Alchemist. He even had pictures with his daughter! |
Noh Face and Chihiro/Sen from Spirited Away |
Lion, Lapis Lazuli and Peridot from Steven Universe |
Opal, Steven Universe |
Giant, adorable Pikachu |
George R R Martin pissing off Game of Thrones fans |
Gryffindor Quidditch team |
Myrtle Snow and Misty Day from American Horror Story: Coven
Beckman and I had to separate because they did a terrible job with scheduling; I had to miss Tom Kenny's panel (Spongebob, Ice King). But, fear not! I went to a Sailor Moon panel!! |

Yes! This panel had some voice actors from the new dub! Johnny Yong Bosch (Artemis), Keith Silverstein (Dr. Tomoe, Kenji Tsukino), Lauren Landa (Sailor Neptune) and Erica Mendez (Sailor Uranus). I was way too excited! It was a Q& A. There was an adorable little boy that asked a lot of the questions; I thought it was great that so many more younger boys as well as men are able to enjoy Sailor Moon without judgement. All of the actors were really cool and nice. I think Johnny was bored, he seemed like he didn't really want to be there; Lauren was the most enthusiastic. We got to hear Keith do Dr. Tomoe's laugh and Lauren did a preview of Neptune for us. I wanted them all to say their favorite line for each of their characters....but I was too shy. A dude dressed as a Jamaican banana came in about halfway through and and whenever he liked what someone said he stood up and shook his maraccas.
More Usagi selfies |
I sadly had to leave the panel 5 minutes early to meet Beckman for the Cosplay Masquerade so that I would have as seat. The Masquerade was a cosplay contest - people went on stage showing off their costumes and getting awards. There were also skits. Sadly half of the people didn't bother showing to collect their awards.
Fruit rollup buddy time before the death match |
The last event of the night was the Cosplay Death match. It was AMAZING! First off, the entire ballroom was packed. Every single seat was filled! It was such a wonderful and crazy experience. At this point more than any other, I felt part of a community. Like I belonged. The death match was basically cosplay wrestling - 2 contestants (or groups) would get on stage. The audience would have to make noise for the character they wanted to win, thus deciding the victor. It was very funny - at one point Zim from Invader Zim was throwing a Gir plushie as a weapon. The losers of each match were carried off stage by a herd of zombies. The zombies would be eating a faux limb, would steal the weapons of carious characters; one even had a sign reading "I ship it" covered in blood.
Zombies before the death match |
Digimon family |
Invader Zim vs. Someone (Before I figured out I needed to change my camera's settings to get pictures in such harsh lighting) |
Black Butler group |
Freddy Mercury. They always played Another One Bites The Dust whenever he was fighting on stage |
Levi cleaning the stage |
Levi is declared the winner! His friends joined on stage |
All of the contestants at the end |
In between each match, classic rock played and the entire room sang along while this host promotes us. It was amazing to see so many people united! It was extremely loud - I had to cover my ears each time there was applause; I already have tinnitus I didn't want to further damage my hearing. Each time a character from Star Wars was on stage, all of the Star Wars nerds would raise their lighted light sabers. Chewbacca was a fan favorite. There was also this adorable family of Digimon cosplayers.
My favorite Cosplayer - who I nearly lost my voice screaming for and eventually won the whole thing was this cleaning lady Levi! This cosplay was impeccable. Each time they came on stage, they would mop the floor. Their attacks consisted of dusting and cleaning their opponent. At one point a zombie stole Levi's bucket and MAN was he mad, he pulled his swords out and was joined by Armin and Eren on stage. They tried to kill the zombies but they wouldn't stay dead. Levi's reaction was hysterical.
When the death match was over, we went back to the hotel to make food before heading to the pool. While reheating the previous night's Chinese, I accidentally put metal in thee microwave and nearly started a fire. Why am I so accident prone? ;_______;. At the pool we players giant game of Marco Polo, when I was it it took probably 15 minutes for me to catch anyone. At oner point I was scurrying my feet upon the pool floor, trying to keep my short self head above water.
Me on Sunday |
With my lovely friend <3 |
Wonderful Alice cosplay. She actually made this prop! |
The old guy from Up |
These Free! cosplayers were amazing, they did this pose specially for me <3 |
Free! |
Looking down at the convention center on sunday |
Mabel from Gravity Falls |
Team Minato, Naruto |
Zuko, Avatar The Last Airbender |
Jack and Sally |
Sunday was a mostly chill day. We checked out of our hotel and headed to the convention center at about noon. We walked around a bit and visited the dealer room before going to a panel on Fullmetal Alchemist and it's real alchemic basis. It was very fascinating, unfortunately we left halfway through because the guy conducting it droned on and just showed power point slides.
The other panel we went to that day was called Steven Universe: Gay Space Rocks. Most of the room was packed. I gave to say, it was nice to see Steven Universe becoming so popular!
Before the panel started, I found Kakashi. Rather, we caught the ending of the FMA panel and I watched him like a creeper, waiting for the panel to finish so I could get a picture. I think I scared the poor man! I went up to him and excitedly said "I finally found Kakashi!!! I've been looking for one all weekend!" He said he had seen quite a few. I guess they knew I was there and his from me! Why, Kashi-kun, why? ;_____;. Before the panel started, I got a singalong started in the room. I played "Stronger than you" from Steven Universe and put it on speaker - people slowly sang along!! The panel itself was really cool, it discussed all of the LGBTQ undertones in the show, many I hadn't picked up on. It was led by an adorable lesbian couple.
After the panel we went back to the dealer's room to spend our remaining money. From there we had to head back home. Unfortunately, con ended on a terrible note for me. There was a lot of last minute drama.
My convention haul:
Kawaii little alpaca and Asuna Funko figure |
I spent all day sunday looking for this print I had seen earlier in the weekend! |
Daenerys pin and a pin a booth gave me |
Grab bag from Zombie Romance and Japanese candy |
My kawaii lolita cat ears |
Art print I got |
Tuxedo Mask charm. Unfortunately I lost it in the park ;_____; I miss it so much |
Garnet, Steven Universe car decal I got for Vicky as a gift |
Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon artwork. I can't find who the artist is, but they had a bunch of stunning works! I wanted to buy them all! |
Free! fanservice artwork <3 |
Black Butler wallet for my Sailor Moon Luna purse |
Overall - con was great, though not fantastic. There was so much unneeded drama and my ex ruined most of the con for me. This year it was also very disorganized and condensed vs previous years. I did have a lot of fun, I learned a lot and in all I consider it a good experience. I'm already planning next year's cosplays!
Thanks for sticking through this long post, keep an eye out for my next posts in my convention series!
Heather Zombie
P.S here are some more cosplay pics! I did my best to include as many as possible
This girl carried around this amazing umbrella all weekend |
Team Rocket cosplay group, they won best skit at the masquerade |
Sailor Saturn, Sailor Moon |
Turniphead, Howl's Moving Castle |
Toka and Rize, Tokyo Ghoul |
Madoka Magica group |
Rose Quartz and Connie, Steven Universe |
Stevonnie, Steven Universe |
Nikki, Orange is the New Black |
Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon |
Peridot, Steven Universe |
Cosmo and Wanda, Fairly Odd Parents |
The Devil is a Part Timer characters |
Kickass group |
Maka, Soul Eater |
Attack on titan characters with Team Rocket |
Flame Princess, Lemongrab and Marceline, Adventure Time |
Cruella DeVille, 101 Dalmations |