Saturday, August 1, 2015

Long Hair Problems

I love having long hair. In fact, I take pride in my long hair.  It has become a part of who I am. My mother refers to it as "the mane". It has taken me many years to grow it out, after I made the mistake of getting it cut just above my shoulders when I was 13. However long hair can be a pain in the ass!! So today I will be discussion some of my daily struggles with my hair. Some of these are admittedly comical, others rather annoying. My fellow long hair girlies will understand my pain!

  • Getting caught in your pants or bra

Yes, this really happens to me! My hair is about mid butt length if not longer. It will get tucked into my jeans sometimes. It even gets caught in my bras when I'm putting them on, if I don't have my hair up. I have had times where I have clipped my hair into my bra clasps. Hence why when I'm at home not really doing anything, 80% of the time I have my hair up.

  • Wind

The wind is my enemy. If I don't have my hair secured like crazy on a windy day, I end up looking like Cousin It from The Addams Family. Even worse: open windows in a moving car. Hair whips around everywhere and I can't see a thing.

  • Adds heat

Having long hair in the summer is torturous. If I leave it down I swear it adds 10-20 degrees of extra heat. So I try to keep it up, my favorite being in a bun because it keeps all of my hair out of the way. Ponytails are fun because I can use my hair as a whip xD. So don't piss me off when I have a ponytail going on!

  • Clothes get damp after a shower

I have this problem a lot. Even if I leave my hair drying in a towel for a while, if I keep my hair down after a shower my clothes get damp. Damp clothes aren't fun! So I tend to keep my hair up and let it dry partially before taking it down.

  • Takes forever to dry

Long hair really does take forever to dry!!

  • Requires extra care - Can get brittle or dry

If you have long hair, chances are it will require extra care. The longer it is, the more likely you are to have brittle hair. My hair is pretty strong, but it can get really dry. It requires extra care such as using moisturizing shampoo/conditioner, using a leave in conditioner and using hair masques.

  • Getting tangled in it while sleeping happens to me all the time!! I will wake up with either my hair wrapped around my neck or around me in some odd way. Even worse - when I wake up with it underneath me, I move and end up pulling my hair.

  • Getting hair caught in things

Sometimes, I will get my hair caught in drawers. I've gotten it caught in seat belts and car doors before as well. Luckily this one does not happen to me a lot.

  • Thinking it's a spider

I hate this the most. Very often, my hair will brush against me and I will think it's a spider crawling on me. Spiders are my mortal enemies....I hate bugs in general but nothing makes me run faster and scream like a little girl like spiders. So naturally I will feel something on me and dart up in bed freaking out. Oops.

  • Sitting on your hair

I know some girls with super super long hair have this issue. I have only sat down once to find that I was sitting on my hair.

  • The cutting hair comments

Not that I truly want to cut my hair...but after a while the comments from relatives scolding me against cutting my hair gets irritating. Especially if I'm just going to get a trim. If you want to look at long hair so badly... fucking grow it yourself!! Don't tell me what to do with my hair. The only comment I dislike more in regards to my hair is the classic "Why don't you cut it then?" when I bitch about my hair.

  • The dreaded hair cut 

I know many girls with long hair absolutely dread going to the salon. Many times when you JUST want a trim they decide to hack a lot more off. So your beautiful long hair that you loved so much becomes much shorter. Oh the horror!!!

There you have it, my long hair problems!! I have a few "problems" posts planned for the future, so stay tuned for that! Any long hair problems that I didn't mention? Or if you have short hair, short hair problems? Comment and let me know!

Until next time (whenever that is)


Moon prism power makeup

1 comment:

  1. At least you look nice with it. And I think we all like ponytails. Thanks to anime heh. But that's interesting. Being a guy I like mine short. But for other reasons.
