Thursday, January 29, 2015

My most played songs of January

My bacon mac and cheese recipe!

Hi everyone! Wow I've been posting a lot! I just have so many posts planned and I have so many drafts of them on my phone. I swear every time I post something, I get 5 more ideas. Yay for being creative and productive! This new blog really has endless possibilities, unlike my old one. Today I am going to be posting this along with another quick post later on so that I can get to more reader requests. I don't really aim to consistently post so much, I just have the time right now to write a lot. I do try to keep the variety up instead of just consistently posting about one area of interest.  I usually can't wait to share something new with you all

 As requested by a reader, here is another of my recipes. I do have more to post so don't worry! This recipe is based on one from my dad's favorite cook book, The Fanny Farmer cookbook (I would love to show you all the book, but it's packed away in storage somewhere ;___;). It is this pretty old country style cook book that he loved very much. Any time he needed a quick recipe for something, he would refer to that book.  I took this recipe and changed it to make it my own. 

A good mac and cheese recipe is always a recipe I recommend having. It isn't too difficult to make and it is fantastic for company. You can have it alone or as a side. I have a few different recipes for mac and cheese, but this by far is my favorite. I have had friends practically beg me for this recipe, but none of them have tried it with the latest addition: bacon.

You will need all of the following:

  • 1 package of bacon
  • 1 package of macaroni (I love to use Ronzoni brand small shells. They really grip the cheese.)
  • 4 Tablespoons of butter (For the cooking challenged tbsp is shorthand for tablespoons) 
  • 4 Tbsp of flour
  • 1C milk (C is shorthand for cup) 
  • 1C cream (I tend to use half and half since we always have it in the house, comes out just as well)
  • 1/2 Tsp salt (Tsp = shorthand for teaspoon) 
  • Pepper to taste (meaning you add the amount of pepper that you would prefer.)
  • 2 C of shredded cheddar cheese (I like to use a 16 oz block of cheese and shred it myself so that it is fresh. Also blocks of cheese tend to be cheaper than already shredded bags. I also tend to go for the white, sharp cheddar)
  • 1/2 cup buttered breadcrumbs (I usually take about a Tbsp to Tbsp and a half of butter, melt it and dump in some breadcrumbs until it is the way I want it. I LOVE my breadcrumbs on my mac and cheese. I like a lot)
The first thing you want to do is preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Boil water in a pot and cook your macaroni. Once cooked, drain and set aside.

As your macaroni cooks, take your package of thawed (meaning not frozen), not yet cooked bacon and cut it. One of my aunts taught me a trick on cutting bacon. Take it from the package and then with a good pair of scissors, cut upward not lengthwise. You want it to be cut into small pieces, this helps not only achieve the small pieces but it's a great time saver. After you cut the bacon, put it into a frying pan and cook on low heat until done. Always cook bacon on low heat, it burns VERY easily.  Keep tongs handy to flip. You don't want it too crunchy or overdone. There are also ways to cook bacon in the oven and microwave.

In a large saucepan, melt the butter. Then add the flour mixed with salt and pepper. Using a whisk, stir until well blended. You just made what is referred to as a roux! A roux is basically a thickening agent used in cooking, which consists of flour and butter. It is mainly used for soups and sauces.

Pour in milk and cream (or half and half) to your mixture gradually (meaning a little at a time) while also constantly stirring for 10 minutes. You don't want it to settle or burn at this point. Next you will add the shredded cheddar little by little and simmer (meaning cook on very low heat, uncovered) for about 5 minutes or until the cheese is melted. Once that cheese is melted, turn off the flame and combine the macaroni with the cheese in the saucepan and toss until well combined. You also would add your cooked bacon to the mixture at this point.

Transfer the macaroni and bacon to a buttered (I usually just spray it with Pam cooking spray) baking dish. Melt some butter and combine with breadcrumbs, as stated in the ingredients section. Sprinkle your buttered breadcrumbs on top. Bake for 20 minutes until the top is golden brown.

And there you have it! A really good, home made mac and cheese recipe...with bacon!! You can also emit the bacon and just use this recipe for mac and cheese. It is a fantastic recipe, my mom and I make it all the time and we make it a lot for when we have company. People just love it.

If any of you try this recipe, let me know how it turns out!! Tweet me a picture (@lipstickxzombie) or even post it on instagram and use the hashtag #KawaiiZombieBlog. I would LOVE to see how it turns out! ^__^. I hope the readers that have requested more recipes enjoyed this one I have many more to post eventually. What would you like to see next? Another dinner recipe or an easy dessert? Comment below and let me know!

I like giving my readers a say in the content that I post, so which would you like to see as my next fashion post? I will write the options below the poll for those reading from mobile who can't see it. If you can't see the poll just comment and let me know which option.

OPTIONS: What's in my purse, favorite necklaces, what is my personal style like?, my favorite skincare products and Korean cosmetics.

Moon prism power makeup!

P.S as requested by a reader, my top 5 anime men is in the process of being written and will hopefully be up soon. I'm having difficulty deciding who #5 will be! That will be a fun and spazzy post. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My top 5 horror movies!!!

Hello my dears! I hope you all made it through the blizzard safe and sound. The storm was kind of a joke where I live. It veered more east than predicted and we only got 6 inches of snow plus wind. But I am very happy that it wasn't worse and I got to keep my power (and my beloved, wifi.  *In Gollum voice* My precious.). 

Today I'm going to talk about one of my most favorite subjects: my favorite horror movies!! Warning, this is a long one! But that can't really be helped, I am a fangirl at heart and gushing about the things I love is just what I do. Ready for a peak inside of my twisted, horror obsessed mind? 

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 

This movie is about a young girl named Nancy who starts seeing Freddy Krueger, a man with a green and red striped sweater, a fedora and knife fingers who is out for blood. He seems like just a nightmare, but soon Nancy begins to realize he isn't just in her mind. He begins killing her friends in their dreams and they actually die (in beautifully gruesome manners). Nancy must find a way to defeat him before Freddy gets her too.

For those that think Freddy is obsessed with Christmas, he's not. Wes Craven (one of my favorite horror directors/creators. Also creator of Nightmare on Elm Street) has said that his sweater is red and green because those are the two colors hardest for the human eye to see. I could probably do an entire post just on tidbits about this movie. For those curious, check out the fantastic documentary (4 beautiful hours long) Never Sleep Again. It should still be on Netflix, I am overdue for a re-watch.

Nightmare on Elm Street is my favorite horror movie of all time. I love Freddy Krueger with a passion, he's my all time favorite horror villain. He is such an iconic, badass character. He's sharp witted and a smartass. He comes out with the best lines! My favorite comes from Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors where he says "Welcome to primetime, bitch!" when about to kill Jennifer.

[For those of you reading from the mobile site, the video above may not show. You can check it out here: ]

 Robert Englund is a wonderful human being. What's so unique about this movie is it isn't a typical slasher. It took some imagination. I love that you can't escape Freddy even in your dreams. It has some really cool scenes, one of my all time favorite horror scenes is in it. It's the scene when Freddy kills Glen (Johnny Depp's character) and a gigantic gush of blood flows/pours up from the bed to the ceiling. It's so beautiful! I also love the scene where Tina was killed.

[For mobile readers, you can see the above video here:]

2. Trick R Treat  

If you're a horror fan and love the holiday Halloween, check out this movie. It is an anthology film: featuring five different stories that all connect in one way or another. I will say what I can without giving away too many spoilers. The stories include a married couple that blows out a jack o'lantern before midnight, a young woman looking for the right date to bring to a Halloween party, a high school principal who isn't as good natured as he seems, some young (asshole) teens that play a mean joke on an innocent girl...only to have it go wrong and an old man that lives alone.

The entire movie takes place on Halloween night. A little burlap sack rag doll creature is seen throughout the film with his trademark bitten lollipop. His name is Sam, he is the spirit of Halloween and he sort of takes revenge on those that don't respect the spirit of Halloween. This movie has pretty much everything: ghosts/zombies, werewolves, a little bit of vampire action and serial killers. There are some awesome kills. SPOILER ALER for those who haven't seen the movie: my favorite scene is when Laurie turns into a werewolf and Marilyn Manson's "Sweet Dreams" plays. I love the look of the scene and the music fits it perfectly. It also cracks me up when Anna Paquin (Actress that plays Laurie) says "It's my first time". This is the perfect Halloween horror movie, I always have to watch this movie on Halloween.

There is a Trick R Treat 2 in the works, but there hasn't been any confirmed new news on the project since 2012 (as far as I know). Trick R Treat came out in 2007.

3. House of 1000 corpses

This movie is brutal, definitely not for the easily grossed out. It's a horror lover's dream. It is one of those movies for hardcore horror fans, if you're a casual fan you will probably be terrified.

This movie is about a group of friends; two young couples taking a road trip to write about obscure roadside attractions. They meet a foul mouthed clown named Captain Spaulding, who runs "Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters and Madmen" which includes a strange combination of a gas station, fried chicken and a serial killer ride. Captain Spaulding tells them the legend of Dr. Satan and they go off in search of the tree he was hanged from. This quest is short lived, as their car breaks down and a hitchhiker they pick up named Baby brings them to her house. There they meet the Firefly family: an eccentric family of murderers. The family attacks them and all must try to survive and find a way out of the house. The house is filled with dead bodies, so it truly is the house of 1000 corpses.

[For those of you reading from the mobile site, the video above may not show. You can check it out here:]

This is a Rob Zombie movie, I am a huge fan of his horror films. It's an homage to 70s horror movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes. It is actually set in the 70s. I love how gruesome and violent this movie is. At one point, one of the guys is killed and then his body is sewn into a mermaid taxidermy. I love Captain Spaulding, he's hilarious and of course a murderous clown. His character is pure gold. I love Sheri Moon Zombie, she is Rob's wife who plays Baby. She's in all of his movies and she's actually from my state of Connecticut. My dad actually met both Sheri and Rob once, I was SO pissed that he didn't get me an autograph.

I'm (for the record) not called Heather Zombie because of my love for Rob Zombie, it's a nickname I got in high school for being really into horror movies and always doing creepy makeup...also because I was (and still can be) a pretty spooky chick. I was known at one point for being the creepy chick with the crazy makeup that always wore a vampire fang necklace and a necklace that looked like zombie hands.

I sadly need to get a new copy of this movie, my old copy is scratched all to shit.

4. Halloween

Next to Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers is my baby <3.

I consider both the original John Carpenter's Halloween as well as Rob Zombie's remake here. But I can agree that the original is way, way better.

The original, 1978 Halloween is about Michael Myers, an indestructible man escaping from a mental hospital to go on a killing spree in his hometown of Haddonfield. He was put in a mental hospital after he murdered his older sister as a child on Halloween night. Though we don't learn until the 2nd Halloween movie what his true motive is (SPOILER ALERT: he wants to kill his little sister who was just a baby when he murdered his older sister. The baby was placed for adoption after the suicide of his grief stricken mother. His baby sister is actually Laurie Strode.)

Amidst his rampage, Myers begins to stalk a girl named Laurie Strode and her friends Annie and Lynda. Later that night while Laurie is babysitting Tommy (as well as Lindsey because Annie wanted to spend some alone time with her boyfriend). She later discovers her friends dead (Annie is killed, about to see her boyfriend for some alone time. Lynda is killed along with her boyfriend after having sex.) - and their killer Michael Myers. Haven't you kids learned yet? In horror movies sex = DEAD!

Laurie must fight to survive and keep the children safe. It's a race against time to see if Dr. Loomis, who was in charge of Michael and spends the entire film trying to track him down - can get to Michael before Michael can kill Laurie.

What I love about this movie is first of all, it is a classic! One of the first definitive slashers. It is beautifully done without the cheap scares we see today and the suspense is slowly built. I very much appreciate that Laurie was made to be an intelligent and level headed girl. Jamie Lee Curtis does a fantastic job portraying Laurie. She is one of the most notable scream queens and is just plain badass in this role! I love how indestructible Michael is and how mysterious he is. When I started seriously getting into horror in my early teens, this was the first older classic that I watched.

Rob Zombie's version of the movie is a little different. We see more about Michael Myers' past, rather than most of the film focusing on Laurie. We see what caused him to snap. It is a lot gorier (yay!!). We see the legendary night where Michael kills his sister...then her boyfriend....and his step dad both of the latter not in the original. We also see Mrs. Myers commit suicide. It's made pretty apparent that Laurie and Michael are related. I love this movie and I think it was a fantastic remake (which we don't see much of!) Though it isn't perfect.

The actress that plays Laurie, Scout Taylor Compton (though I like her in other films) is fucking annoying. Oh my god. Hearing her scream made me want to stab myself in the ears with a sharp pointy object. Even worse when she won't shut the fuck up screaming and whining. She is nowhere near as badass as Jamie Lee Curtis was. Sadly she gets even more whiny and annoying in the sequel. At the end, I found myself rooting for Michael to kill her. Though...I do tend to root for the villain in horror films.

5. The Conjuring

I normally don't consider horror movies so recent as favorites. Most of them these days are shit. I tend to favor the classics. But THIS movie was an exception. 

The Conjuring is about  the Perron family in the 1970s who have just moved into a new home, an old farm house. They begin to realize that they aren't alone and something fairly nasty begins to terrorize them. They request the help of famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. They discover something more sinister is haunting the family and they have to try to stop it.
This movie is based on a true story, though of course embellished for Hollywood as all of these "based on a true story" movies are. None of the more drastic hauntings such as the levitation happened.

Being the lover of paranormal research as well as having numerous experiences (go ahead skeptics, call my crazy) I am a big fan of the Warrens. Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson did a fantastic job portraying them. I like how they showed what their lives are also like outside of their jobs. I loved the little cameo by Lorraine Warren herself, she can be seen sitting in the audience in the scene where Ed and Lorraine are giving a lecture. Unfortunately, for some reason youtube or blogger will not let me embed the video of her cameo here (fuckers), so to view it you will have to go to this link:

This was an exciting movie and not your typical haunted house movie. It has some great scares and the acting was really good. The soundtrack is fantastic and really adds to the atmosphere. And how could I forget the beloved doll Annabelle? Who actually happens to be a Raggedy Anne doll in real life.

Because who would be scared of little old Raggedy? There is a prequel to The Conjuring called Annabelle featuring the infamous doll. There is also a sequel to The Conjuring in the works.

Honorable mentions:

The Scream Franchise 

I pretty much grew up on the Scream movies. I can remember being a little kid watching them with my aunt. The first one is a classic and they really went outside of the box,  not really taking its self too seriously in a way exposing all of the horror cliches and shaking things up. Though ghost face never scared me (movies don't scare me at all), the boys in my neighborhood chasing me down the  street with the ghost face mask sure as hell did! There is a scream TV series being developed for MTV....I'm afraid to see how this turns out.

The Chucky/Child's Play Franchise 

I love Chucky!! Not only does he have some great kills but he's hilarious! I especially love Bride of Chucky when Tiffany comes into the picture. Seed of Chucky...well I don't know what to even say about that. It was a weird ass movie that's for sure. I love the balance that the Child's Play and Chucky films have between comedy and horror. I actually do love the most recent in the franchise, Curse of Chucky. It really brought the franchise back to its horror roots which it desperately needed after Seed.

Evil Dead (Remake) 

I wouldn't call it my favorite horror film, but I do really like it.  It deserves an honorable mention for the gore alone. I'm a big gore lover (only reason I like the Saw movies). I LOVE the gore in it. I mean it's badass! A girl saws off her own arm, spurting blood everywhere and at the end blood pours from the sky. I do like this better than the original to be honest.

Every single time I watch this scene, I just laugh and cheer.

[Here's the link for my mobile readers:]

Thanks for reading and bearing with my fangirl comments! What are your favorite horror movies? I will of course be doing some more horror related posts in the future. What would you all like to see? I have a few horror related ideas already, but if anyone has suggestions I'm open to them!

Please comment (you don't need an account), tweet me (@lipstickxzombie) or shoot me an email ( letting me know! I love seeing all of your comments and suggestions. I am glad to (within reason) give you dear readers some of the content you want to read. Hope you all have a lovely day!

Stay creepy

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cooking tips and easy Italian Chicken recipe

Hi my lovelies! Wow it seems like I've been posting almost every day, I know I'm writing constantly! This is not intentional I'm just posting as I have posts written. I am truly passionate about writing again and I have the time to do it so I'm just letting the inspiration take me.

I hope everyone is preparing for the blizzard heading towards the East coast today/tomorrow. Sadly, I am in the direct  line of it and will get the heaviest brunt of snow (15 to 30 inches of fun >.< ). Stupid New England winters ;___; . I should be preparing, charging my electronics and gathering supplies in case we lose power but instead I'm spending way too much time dancing in my computer chair to Heart. Any Heart fans? Ann Wilson is fabulous. I'm really hoping I don't lose power! Anyway, if you will be getting this store please stay warm and safe! Don't do anything stupid, stay inside!! 

 One of my friends requested that I share some of my recipes on here and talk about cooking. I have no shame in admitting that I'm a very good cook. I have a recipe box of my collection of recipes, some from relatives, friends, and the internet. Some I have tweaked to make my own. 

Sadly, cooking is a lost art. Many people choose prepared foods or just order take out all the time. You will find that by making your own food, it is SO much cheaper! You will also have the satisfaction of having a useful skill. To those of you that may be kitchen challenged, cooking is actually very easy! The key is to follow the directions to a recipe precisely and to watch what you are cooking. One major problem people have is not paying close attention when they cook and having the heat too high. That is how things burn, my friends.

Unless instructed to do otherwise, when cooking on a stove top, keep the heat at medium low and watch it until it looks done or the recipe says it is. If you are cooking via oven, check your meal often to ensure it doesn't burn and cooks all the way through.

The first recipe I want to share with you all is one of my favorite dinner recipes and it is super easy! I'm sure those of you who think they can't cook can make this. This is an Italian chicken recipe that one of my best friends shared with me over the summer. I added a bit of my twist to it. What's great about this recipe is you don't need any precise measurements and you don't need a lot of ingredients. Plus it goes great with just about anything! 

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 lb package of bonless chicken breast
  • Italian salad dressing (I normally use robust or zesty)
  • Italian bread crumbs
  • Ziplock bag
  • Foil
  • Cooking oil
  • Optional: you may want some sort of rubber gloves. You will see why.
The night before you want to make this, defrost the chicken and take it out of the package. I normally will take whatever cut of chicken we have - tenders, cutlets, big cuts and chop it into small pieces about 1 inch or smaller. I find that it cooks better in the smaller form, but you could probably use any cut you want.

Take your cut up (or not cut up) chicken and put it into a ziplock bag, pour italian dressing into the bag and ensure the chicken is totally covered. Seal the bag, give it a little shake and store in the fridge over night. You will every once in a while take it out and shake it up.

When you go to cook the chicken, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get the bag of chicken out of the fridge, one by one take them out of the bag and coat in the bread crumbs. This is where you will want rubber gloves, putting your hands into the bag will get the dressing all over your hands - it can be really messy. Not to mention it may make your hands smell a little afterwards.

For those of you that don't know how to bread chicken, you normally would use eggs as a binding agent but you don't need it for this recipe. Just pour some breadcrumbs into a bowl, put your chicken pieces one by onw into the bowl and toss/roll around in the breadcrumbs until totally coated. 

This is a tip from yours truly: any time you bread chicken no matter what recipe, transfer the breaded chicken to a plate and press down onto it, pressing the breadcrumbs into the chicken more and regrigerate for about 20-30 minutes. I have found that this helps the coating stay on better. Nothing sucks more than spending all of that time breading only for it to fall off. 

So you have your chicken breaded and ready to go. Pour a little oil into a pan on medium heat. If you use too much oil, the chicken will get greasy. I normally use high heat, but I wouldn't reccomend that unless you are an experienced cook. Wait until the oil in the pan is heated up and lightly brown the chicken. Browning the chicken is simply cooking the chicken enough to give the coating a nice brown color. You will want to keep flipping the chicken very carefully to make sure it is completely browned. I like to use tongs to avoid splashing oil when I turn them over and you can flip more gently with tongs. You want to be gentle to avoid ripping off the coating.

For those of you who have no idea how to tell if your oil is heated, here is a simple trick my dad taught me. Get a drop of water. Seriously, just one drop and flick it into the oil in your pan. When the water in the oil begins to sizzle, your oil is heated and ready.

After you brown the chicken, transfer it to a foil lined baking sheet and then bake for 7-10 minutes. I usually let it bake for 8 minutes but baking time depends on your oven and the size of the chicken you used.
After the 7-10 minutes are up, take your pan out of the oven and your chicken should be done! If you aren't sure if it is cooked all the way or not, cut a piece in half. If there is any pink, you need to cook is longer. 

 Serve with whatever you please, I normally pair this recipe with cheesy rice or mac and cheese. 

I tried to explain the recipe as simply and as detailed as possible for the cooking challenged. If you try this recipe let me know what you think! You can comment anonymously and without an account. I hope you all enjoyed this post! Good luck and happy cooking!

If you would like to see more recipes, tweet me (@lipstickxzombie) or comment below with which of the following you would like me to explain how to make. You can also email me now at

The options:
  • Cheesecake mousse
  • Coconut chicken
  • Teriyaki chicken with home made marinade (happens to be a copycat from Red Robin's chicken teriyaki and pineapple burger)
  • Chocolate truffles

Moon prism power makeup!

P.S Stay safe in the blizzard everyone!!! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about my struggle with anxiety. It is no secret that I do have it, but I don't really talk too much in detail about it. I'm usually a pretty secretive person that keeps things to themselves and I normally try to keep it from seeming like I'm having any sort of problem. I don't like people worrying about me or really knowing too much. When I wrote this post earlier this afternoon, I was having problems with my anxiety. I'm not writing this to complain or anything, I just decided to write something to try to calm myself down and to try to help anyone struggling. I hope that my experience can help someone feel not so alone and maybe educate some others. Also before you continue you, I have added a feature where you can subscribe and get an email whenever I post something. Please subscribe if you enjoy this blog ^__^! It makes me so happy to see that people care what I have to see and that they actually enjoy my posts. So thank you to all of my awesome readers, you guys are awesome. So without further ado, here is my post:

Anxiety sucks. I am lucky enough to not deal with constant anxiety or have it at the level where I need medication to control it (I have been tested). My doctor says it is not bad enough to be considered clinical. But sometimes I do have problems, more often in the past 6 months or so than ever before.

It sucks having problems in public. Due to the fact that I look much younger than my age, I get treated like a child. Afterwards I just feel stupid and embarrassed. I had a particularly embarrassing  panic attack when I was having my first wisdom teeth surgery. I was spoken to and treated like a little girl afraid of needles. Also acted like I was stupid for getting so worked up and scared. They kept asking if I needed anyone and insisted on bringing in the person that was my ride (the most unhelpful person ever). People treat you like you're crazy. Hell, my own family treats me like I'm crazy every single time I have a panic attack or when I make the mistake of telling them that I couldn't sleep because of it. I have even overheard certain people talking about me, about the subject insisting something is wrong with me. If you have anxiety: you're not crazy. If you have a loved one that suffers from anxiety do not treat them like they are crazy. Give them comfort and try to help. If you yell at them to calm down (this is the shit I often have to deal with) it will only make it worse.

My anxiety usually kicks in when I get very stressed or something causes me to panic, I will then have panic attacks. It is always triggered by something, I don't have my attacks without reason. They aren't often enough to be worrisome or a gigantic issue. Most of the time, I am okay. As I am writing this, I am fighting one off. But also as I am writing and keeping my mind busy I am calming down. I have been having a significant amount of anxiety since Friday night, it did subside until an hour or so ago [Note: at time of writing, I write my posts on my phone ahead of posting] when something else made me very anxious, which then turned to me panicking a bit.

Sometimes it can be over something small, others big. Everyone's symptoms vary, and even do with the magnitude of the stress. My typical symptoms start with my heart beat becoming rapid, accompanied by breathing becoming a little difficult, sweaty palms and of course an overwhelming amount of panic and loss of control.

The worst panic attack I have ever had was strangely not due to losing my dad. For those that don't know, I lost my dad to cancer in 2012. I will most likely do a post discussing it eventually. The worst panic attack I have ever had lasted on and off for about 2 days. I count it as a whole one because literally I would be fine for a few minutes and talked myself down but then the panic would start again.

It started at night around the time I was going to go to bed, some time last year. I had found a strange lump/bump on my body in a place that scared me to death. Until I was able to get it checked out, I was convinced it was a tumor or something. Luckily it was absolutely nothing alarming but at the time I was terrified. Could anyone truly blame me? Anyone that has lost a loved one to cancer would feel that nervous at anything even remotely alarming towards it. I literally felt like I was going to die that night, due to the severity of my anxiety. My heart would not stop racing even after a few hours, I could hardly breathe. I was shaking uncontrollably which brought along the feeling of being cold. I also could not stop crying. When I have a bad attack, the shaking comes and it sucks, it can be to the point where I can't stand still and have to stay sitting. I started feeling like I was going to throw up and/or pass out. I slept maybe two hours that night with the symptoms carrying on and off through the next day until I knew there was no need to panic anymore. Ones like this are very rare for me. If you have never experienced anything like that, you are very lucky because it is not a fun feeling.

I started having anxiety, which I didn't even remember until recently when I was a little kid. There was an incident that for me was pretty traumatic where I fell down 2 flights of stairs and the people I was with didn't do anything to help me. I was hurt and in a lot of pain but they refused to take me to a hospital and didn't even tell my parents. That caused horrible anxiety to the point where I constantly panicked and was afraid of everything. That luckily went away! I honestly think I repressed the entire thing for a while.  But when my dad died, my anxiety problems (though way less severe) returned and I've been having issues ever since.

What really surprised me to discover when I started having problems again was the aftermath of attacks. That is something you don't hear about a lot. It differs from person to person. For me, I just feel mentally and physically drained, achy and very tired.  Right now, I'm exhausted and a bit shaky [at time of writing]. It for me will last a day to a week depending on the severity.

There are tons of ways you can calm down from an attack or try to keep one away. I usually will listen to music and keep my mind busy. Writing for this blog has been helping me a lot. There is an app I have on my ipod called Breathe2Relax that is a life saver. It helps you to breathe deeply and relax. It also has relaxing images and music. Rain Free is another app, it contains rain sounds. You can control how long you want it to play and there is a huge variety of sounds. It helps me sleep when I can't for whatever reason and it's very relaxing.

This is a screen shot of what both apps look like, from my ipod touch.

 You can pick up a hobby such as knitting or crocheting, something to keep your hands and mind busy. I like to draw or paint. It can be very therapeutic. I find that really good books (fictional) can help you to escape and relax. I spent all day yesterday reading Kakashi (my favorite anime character, I'm a major fangirl for him. He's from Naruto) fanfiction to calm my nerves. Even keep a favorite book accessible that you can turn to for comfort, I normally will turn to the Harry Potter books.

I often will try to talk myself down as well, it eventually helps. I will ask myself why I am panicking? Why should I be so nervous/stressed over this. I will tell myself that it is okay that it will pass and really I can't change the situation. My favorite thing to do is pampering. I will take a nice long shower while listening to music. I use my favorite soaps and lotions. Use my favorite shampoo, do a deep conditioning of my hair. Do a face mask and apply my best skincare products. Put on one of my favorite perfumes/body sprays. Paint my nails and put on my bathrobe and comfiest PJs. It's all about using the things that comfort you.

This is one of the more personal topics I will discuss. I am a person that tends to not put things all out there so it took a lot for me to be able to post this and be so open. It actually made me sort of nervous to post this, thinking people may night like it. I hope that some of you at least do or maybe can relate.

Thank you for reading! As I stated in the beginning, my intentions behind this post were to educate and help others suffering from anxiety. I hope that my personal story can help someone, remember you're not alone!!

Moon prism power makeup!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

January Lust List : DVDs

Hi everyone! As you remember (because I wouldn't shut up about it) I had a poll on one of my last posts to help me choose the next topic. Thank you so much to the two people that voted, you're awesome ^_^!! As requested, I am writing today about the 12 (with two bonuses) movies and shows on my wishlist that I am lusting over this month. I say DVD because I'm behind the times and still don't own a Bluray player (I know, so sad ;__;) This is in no particular order.

1. Hellsing Ultimate Vols 9 and 10 Bluray & DVD combo pack
I already own Hellsing Ultimate volumes 1-8, but the price of 9 and 10 has been too steep for me to justify getting just yet. I want this set so much to complete my collection. It had two of the most badass episodes of the series. Note: Amazon has stopped selling this themselves because of an apparent problem with the stock. The price has skyrocketed. I hope it'll be back and cheaper soon!!

2. The Purge 2, Purge: Anarchy
I loved the first Purge movie and I've been dying to see this one. I have heard that it's everything the first movie should have been. It was towards the top of my Christmas list, but I never got it.

3. Annabelle
I am a big fan of the Warrens. I absolutely loved The Conjuring so of course I had to check this out. I actually just watched it last night and I loved it! It wasn't as good as The Conjuring was but pretty damn close! I can't wait until The Conjuring 2 comes out, as of right now it isn't scheduled to be released until next year. 

4. Maleficent
I saw this in the theater and loved it. Maleficent has always been one of my favorite Disney villains. Angelina Jolie was SO fierce and badass in this movie and I love that Disney didn't make it well, a typical Disney movie.

5. Adventure Time season 4
Adventure Time is one of my many favorite shows. I don't own any of the seasons and would actually love to own them all. I chose season 4 for this list because Netflix doesn't have it and it contains of my favorite episodes: Fionna and Cake. I LOVE the Fionna and Cake episodes. I wish Cartoon Network would make us a spinoff or at least give us more than one of their episodes a year.

6. Descendants of Darkness vols 1 and 4
Also known as Yami no Matsuei. It is a lesser known anime series that I discovered while I was in middle school. My best friend and I were obsessed with this show, she owned volume 4 so we would have marathons of both of our collections whenever we had sleepovers. It's about an organization that handles the processing of souls after death. The main character Tsuzuki Asato and then his partner Hisoka Kurosaki are shinigami that work for the judgement division of the organization, having to get the dead people and bring them to trial for judgement of how they lived their lives. Tsuzuki and Hisoka are often mixed up in an investigation of some mystery that they have to solve. The show deals heavily with the occult, my favorite story arc being the Devil's Song episodes. It introduced me to my favorite classical piece, The Devil's Trill by Giuseppe Tartini.

It is gory, creepy and has some yaoi (I LOVE my yaoi!). I own volumes 2 and 3, but not 1 and 4. This  show is out of print and you can only buy the DVDs used now, for years I have been hunting for them and I just recently found them on amazon. I need to complete my collection.

7. Into The Woods
I saw this movie with one of my friends this past week and it was fantastic. I love musicals and of course I was bound to love it since it IS based on a sondheim (the composer to one of my favorite movies, Sweeney Todd) play. Although the plot was rushed (in their defense, they were cramming a possibly 3-4 hour play into a 2 hour movie) it was great and the music was great. Plus it had Meryl Streep. Meryl was fierce. Meryl is queen. Though this is still in theaters, it is up for pre-order and releases in March.

8. The Addams Family (1960s) vol 1.
I love the original black and white Addams Family TV show from the 1960s. Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams is queen!! It is one of the very few things I can stand in black and white. I would love to own any volume of this show, but volume 1 is what's on my amazon wish list.

9. Chrono Crusade: Complete Series 
This is another beloved anime I discovered in middle school. I was obsessed with this as well. My summary of this may not be so great, as it has been so long since I've been able to watch this show. It is about the Madgalene order, an organization that destroys demons. The main characters are a nun named Rosette Christopher and her sidekick (who happens to be a demon) Chrono. Throughout the series they are hunting for Rosette's missing brother Joshua, fighting demons and discovering dark secrets along the way.

It is a great lesser known series. I normally dislike shows about nuns or anything religious but Rosette is a badass nun! I love the whole demon aspect of the show and how the nuns shoot them like crazy with their guns. I love that Rosette isn't a typical nun. Her and Chrono are like the black sheep.  I definitely recommend checking this out, especially if you liked Trinity Blood.

10. Modern Family: any season!
I love Modern Family! It is one of my favorite shows, I sadly don't own any of it but I want all of it. It is what I like to call one of my happy shows: a show that just comforts me and that I can watch over and over. I watch reruns of the show all the time and have seen some episodes probably 20+ times. I just love it so much!

11. Game of Thrones season 4
Game of Thrones is my favorite show (since True Blood is over and though I love it, went downhill as the seasons went on. The last season was bullshit). I own seasons 1-3 and need to own this one. Plus this season has the purple wedding, which was an oh so beautiful thing. 

12. The Fault In Our Stars
I haven't seen this yet, but I read the book. The book was so fantastic that I read the entire thing in a day. This book made me cry harder than any other book. I really want to see the movie and see how it compares.


Sailor Moon season 1 part 2
I have this pre-ordered already so it technically can't be part of this list, but I am lusting over it SO much! I already own part 1. Part 2 contains my favorite episode (the episode where Mamoru discovers Usagi is Sailor Moon and Usagi learns she's princess Serenity), I'm really excited to see how it is uncut and with the new dub. It comes out February 10, I should have it in my possession on release day. Just a few more weeks!!! Would anyone like me to review the set when I get it? Or even review set 1? I also can't wait until Sailor Moon R is released, I am DYING to own it uncut. 

Black Butler: Book of Circus
This hasn't even been dubbed or announced in the US yet, so it doesn't truly count. But I loved this series so much! Black Butler is one of my favorites and they really did this justice with the manga. It was one of my favorite manga arcs and it was just great to see animated.

So that's it! Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed this. Any fans of any of the shows/movies above? If you would like any other lust lists or have any topic suggestions let me know in a comment or you can even tweet me! I should mention that you don't need to make an account to comment and you can do it anonymously. Hope you're all having a lovely evening (or day if you're reading this during the day) <3

Moon prism power makeup!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

American Horror Story: Freak Show Finale

Warning: this post contains spoilers.

"Freaks shall inherit the earth"

Hello my lovelies! Anyone that follows me on twitter knows that I am a huge fan of the horror anthology series, American Horror Story. The latest season American Horror Story: Freak Show is no exception.

Today, I am going to share a review of last night's finale episode - sharing a recap along with my thoughts along the way. I will also share my thoughts on this season over all. This is actually my very first time reviewing an episode of a show. I took careful notes as to not let you dear readers down. I am doing my best to keep in order of appearance of scenes, but that is quite difficult. This episode was all over the place, even more so than usual.

The episode starts with some of the freaks discussing leaving the freak show now that Dandy has taken over. Paul (the seal man in case you aren't good with the names) discourages it saying that as freaks they have nowhere else to go and that he'll stay since Dandy is rich. Boy, they sure made the wrong decision!

Dandy is having a tantrum (as usual) trying to perfect the lights for his act and Paul gets into an argument with him. It seems that since Dandy took over the show, absolutely no one attends. He gets cocky and gets Dandy on the ground (I think he hit him?), surrounding him with some of the other freaks. He tells Dandy that he is nothing special and is in fact boring. That they (meaning the freaks) are all freaks and he will never become one of them. He says to Dandy that he does not own them, then proceeds to spit in his face. The freaks all then quit the show and walk away. Very, very bad idea freaks. Paul, you're stupid. This of course does not sit well with Dandy (surprise, surprise). I predicted this as soon as I saw Dandy start to become angry: he goes on a rampage. One by one, Dandy chases and slaughters the freaks. Nice going, Paul! 

Elsa is shown trying to meet what I assume is a network executive. She speaks with the receptionist who will not do anything to assist her (though claiming she will, which of course is bullshit). Elsa waits around until closing when the receptionist shows up with a  cop, trying to see her out. The receptionist informs Elsa that the executive snuck out of the back entrance to avoid seeing her and  makes a catty remake about needing to freshen up her act.

Elsa then snaps and bitch slaps the receptionist, going after her. Typical Elsa! But DAMN the slap!  A man shows up, talking to Elsa trying to help and be kind. He shares his name, Michael Beck which he had to change from Beckenbower (I think? Beckenbower is what it sounded like to me) as he was a communist. He reveals that he is the jr. vice president of casting of the network. At first impression, I felt something was off with this man. Though nothing major happened to reveal my suspicion.

Back to the psychotic Dandy and his murder spree. Amazon Eve sees Dandy murdering her friends so she grabs an ax. Dandy is on the hunt for Desiree, looking for her in her trailer where she is actually hiding. It's a good thing Dandy didn't have the sense or intelligence to look beside the bed. As usual, he throws a temper tantrum like a child when he can't find her. I miss Mrs. Mott. I would've loved to see her reaction to that!

Eve shows up and wrestles Dandy, trying to take him down. After a struggle Dandy sadly wins the fight and shoots her dead. I was very mad and screaming at my TV. I loved Amazon Eve! We then find Bette and Dot tied up and gagged. Dandy comes along and tells them to come with him.

Jimmy suddenly appears out of nowhere, walking around the freak show camp to find it deserted. He finally walks into the big tend to find the bodies of the freaks all laying in a pattern leading up to the stage. Jimmy collapses and cries when he sees Amazon Eve, his dear friend dead and he closes her eyes out of respect. Desi then comes along and nudging him, letting him know she's still alive and they hug. Everyone close to Jimmy dies and he never seems to witness it. He was always elsewhere which disappointed me, I wanted some dramatic scenes. He seemed like the poor tragic character the whole season (then again, aren't just about all of Evan Peters' roles in this show like that?)

The next scene was a HUGE mind fuck. I thought for sure it was a dream and I along with many others were very confused. The scene started off in a dream like state of the twins walking down the isle, marrying Dandy. It is in fact Bette marrying dandy, oddly enough looking happy and in love as she says her vows. Dot is not happy (as usual, but who could blame her now?!). Dot was pretty much just like "whatever" to the whole situation. Dandy discusses with them about wedding night shenanigans. Saying that he doesn't want Dot to be the third wheel. Dot says she can go away and then Dandy pretty much says he wants a threesome. Oh boy. My reaction to this entire scene was a big what the fuck.

Bette mentions a grand feast she has prepared to celebrate their marriage and mentions that she hired a french maid to cook for them. As they are having dinner, there is a strangely happy conversation about making (of course Dandy would mention freak) children and their marriage. Suddenly it is obvious that Dandy has been drugged by the wine he was drinking.

Desi walks into the room and sits down, she is their maid. Wait...what? Desi proceeds to say that their wedding night has been cancelled. The twins reveal that the wedding in fact was a ruse and they were acting the entire time. This is glorious! Dandy tried to shoot the twins, but they have a gun of their own and shoots him. They yell at Dandy to sit down and Desi calls for a butler, saying that it is time for the next course. Jimmy happens to be the butler. Oh, it gets even better my friends.

Dandy passes out, then waking up in his tighty whities in a tank, dampened by water. The same pair that we've seen all season. Eww. I would much rather see Evan Peters' (Jimmy's actor) butt in those tighty whities! 

At least Dandy eventually got rid of those two little bitch curls he had going on. Hahaha, Dandy is not amused by this blog. Can you tell I despise him? I wished so hard with every episode that someone would kill him.  Desi informs us that Dandy is in Houdini's famous escape tank.

After some back and forth angry conversation and some pleading from Dandy, Bette tells Dandy she hates him. Jimmy turns on the water, filling the tank. Desi tells Dandy he is the biggest freak of all. Dandy pleads and begs to be let out. Jimmy tells him he will die and that freaks shall inherit the earth.
In the next oh so beautiful, glorious scene Dandy is drowning as the twins, Desi and Jimmy are sitting in chairs eating popcorn while watching him struggle. As he dies, dandy yells "I hate you, I hate you" over and over until his last breath. When he is finally (FINALLY! HALLELUJAH!!) dead, Desiree comments "That boy is a star". Ding dong the witch is dead!! That entire scene was hilarious to me. I cheered and laughed throughout the entire thing.

The focus (as usual and with just about every episode) shifts back to Elsa. She is in Hollywood, famous and married to Mr. Beck. Although her dream has come true, she is unhappy realizing the woes of stardom and her husband is unfaithful. There is some back and forth arguing about Elsa refusing to a Halloween show. 

Elsa then meets with her friend (and past love interest) Dr. Mossimo, the prosthetic doctor we saw in the last episode. She wants to run away with him and be with him but he is dying from a disease and only has about a month to live. (How convenient.) He came to say goodbye. It was a rather pointless scene, but they wrapped up the whole thing with those two...wish I could say the same for some other things. 

Elsa is drinking in her room and 2 men in suits show up, one is the head of the network. They make Elsa aware that they have discovered the snuff films she was in, where she had lost her legs. They also know that she ran a freak show and that all of those freaks were slaughtered. They talk about "morals" and threaten to end her contract, but then Elsa agrees to do a Halloween show and all is good again. Haha, not really! I knew she would cave eventually.

Elsa gets on stage on Halloween night and begins to sing in front of a live camera. We see Desi walking down the street in front of a shop window with her boyfriend (the man from earlier in the season) watching Elsa briefly on a tv. We then see Jimmy sitting in front of a tv watching Elsa and surprise, the twins are there and very pregnant!

As I totally thought would happen: Edward Mordrake and Twisty (Yay!!) return along with some other ghosts.

 Twisty is hands down my favorite character on the show. He creeped me out at first (clowns scare me) but I grew to love him (as I did Pennywise and of course Captain Spaulding). I was so happy to have my Twisty back!!

While still on live tv, Mordrake and Twisty kill Elsa. Unexpectedly Mordrake says "your place is not with us". I totally thought they were going to take Elsa with them, so this was a huge shock to me. Elsa is shown walking around the freak show in some sort of afterlife. She is greeted by Ma Petit (I screamed with excitement, I love Ma Petit she's so cute!) and all of the other dead freaks.

Ethel talks to Elsa, letting her know that they're happy but they missed their star. Elsa takes the stage one last time after an introduction by Ethel. She begins to sing, her performance reminding me a lot of the scene in The Rocky Horror Picture Show where Frankenfurter sings "I'm going home" and hallucinates an audience of people watching.

[I apologize for the video quality, this was the best I could find on Youtube of the actual movie]

Then the screen goes black.  The curtain has closed and Freak Show has come to an end.

It was a crazy episode and this season went out with a bang. I was hoping to see a connection to Murder House, but I guess there's always next season. I loved seeing the connections become more obvious between Freak Show and Asylum. Should I write about that and my theories? This episode was all over the place and a little difficult to review but I enjoyed it. I was very happy that they killed Dandy, finally! They should have killed his annoying ass a long time ago. They wrapped up most of the loose ends, but I'm still left with questions. What happened to Chester and Marjorie?!?!! The episode completely ignored their existence.

 Also what happened to Stanley? Last we saw, he was turned into a chicken creature and locked in a cage but we do not know what became of him. Did Dandy kill him? Or was he left to die? Or was he dead before the slaughter?

I do feel the need to point out that a lot of this season was reminiscent of the 1932 movie, Freaks. Any of this look familiar? Though it has been years since I've seen the film, I still found a lot of parallels. 

Hey, look it's Meep from the 1930's!

I do have some (ok, probably a lot) of complaints about this season and to clarify, I'm not normally one to knit pick. For one I'm so happy to be done with Elsa Mars' character. I enjoy Jessica Lange and think she is a fantastic actress and I respect her. But Elsa just got on my nerves after a while, especially when at least half (if not more) of the spotlight of the show had to be all about her. The thing I was most scared of this season were her eyebrows. 

With every season, I feel like the writers do not think through the plot. Ever season starts strong then usually goes downhill towards the middle and slams on the gas speeding up the plot until the very end. This season was no exception. The beginning was amazing, but it wasn't as good after Twisty died. They also could have done so much with Twisty but he died after like what, 4 episodes? Such a waste. He was the most terrifying character. There wasn't truly a clear plot this season. There were many, many story lines but no major over lying plot. Some say it is that society is the true freaks, but again it isn't clear. I feel like they just took any little idea they had and went with it, regardless if it went anywhere. I feel like the writers thought "Hey, let's see how much weird things we can cram into this season".

Of course, I did like a lot about this season. I loved Twisty and Edward Mordrake. Those characters were genius. Plus Seneca Crane from the Hunger Games plays Mordrake. Did you know Edward Mordrake was a real person? Or at least is rumored to be. I loved that it was a very disturbing season, we got so much more shock value and gore this season. I feel like they tried to make up for lack of that in Coven. It made me a very happy ghoul. There were funny moments. I did like the music at first, but then it got like the show was trying too hard to be the American Horror Glee Show to me. I really enjoyed Bette and Dot's Fiona Apple cover....but I hated Jimmy's Nirvana cover. I loved the whole creepy freak show theme and of course...the opening credits! They changed the theme song up a bit and I absolutely love it.

This despite my many complaints has become my second favorite season (after Coven). I even got my mom hooked this season. Now, I sadly wait until next October for my beloved show to return. At least I have Game of Thrones in April! There were clues dropped throughout the season as to what the topic of season 5 will be. Did you catch any? I know one of the most talked about and most obvious is the top hat. Anyone have any theories?  I need to watch the entire season again to form a clear theory. What I am seeing from most people is speculation about Operation Top hat and something atomic. It is also important to note that AHS alternates between this present era and the past (Murder House: present, Asylum: past, Coven: present, Freak Show: past). It has been confirmed that the next season will take place in the present. A lot of people were also speculating space, but Ryan Murphy (the creator of the show) has confirmed it won't be space. 

Thank you for reading this review, I hope you enjoyed it! What did you think of the finale? Please comment below! I apologize for the length, there was a lot that happened and of course I as usual have a lot of opinions. It literally took me close to two hours to just type on my phone. Also please See my last post for a poll and help me decide what my next topic will be!

Stay creepy 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January Lust List: Fashion

Hi everyone! I'm back already! I meant to wait until tomorrow to post this, but I'm really getting back into writing. This takes me back to my journalism and writing classes. For those that don't know, I nearly made a career from journalism before I decided I wanted to become a makeup artist.

I don't know how often I will post, I stuck to a very strict schedule with my last blog and it was so tiring after a while. So with this one, I'm just going to post when I can and want to.

Today I am going to talk about 12 fashion items on my wishlist that I am lusting over this month. I have yet to get any of these. Everything unless I post the link for it can be found on Amazon.


1. Lina & Lily Bat Print Infinity scarf
I am a sucker for anything with bats on it, this scarf is no exception. It is so cute!! I was browsing Amazon, as I do a LOT. I was looking across some sort of Korean fashion thing and I found this! It was love at first browse, so onto the top of my wishlist it went. 

2. Banned Bats Attack Handbag
I have been looking at purses lately, as I want something nice and more grown up for when I go out. I LOVE my current bag, but it can be a little bulky sometimes. I am very particular about what I like, as soon as I saw this I fell in love. It is my dream bag. The only problem - the price ;___;. It's bit too expensive for me right now. Most of the things I buy online believe it or not are paid with Amazon gift cards I earn. It sadly would take me way too long to save up for this bag. Oh, well a girl can dream! 

3. Sailor Moon Purple Cat Plush Slipper
I'm a major Sailor Moon fan, I found these while browsing for cute slippers (because it's a travesty for me to own just plain ones). I absolutely HAVE to have these someday. They're so cute AND they actually will fit my big ass feet!! 

4. Sword Art Online Sword Necklace
SAO is one of my favorite animes, this would be perfect to wear with my Kirito and Asuna shirt. This necklace features mini versions if Kirito's swords as well as Asuna's sword. It's really cheap at about $4...but it comes from China.

5. MG Collection Nadie Handbag
Another bag I am dying to have. It's black faux leather and the front is completely covered in beautiful sparkly sequins. It also has studs on it. It has an edgy almost dark look to it, which is part of my style. I am currently attempting to save up for this.

6. Lime Crime Pansy Velvetine
You can find this at

Lime Crime is my favorite makeup brand. They are mostly known for their lipsticks (which I LOVE!). Their Velvetines are their matte liquid lipsticks and they're amazing. I own every single one but two..which includes this one. I've been eyeing it for months, but unable to get it. Purple is my favorite color and I can totally rock a purple lip.

7. Red Wedge Pumps
No brand or pair in particular, I just really want a pair of red wedge pumps. I recently (discussed later in this post) got a pair of black wedge heels and I am in love with them. Now I want more!

8. Unicorn Cameo
For a long time now, I've wanted a unicorn cameo necklace. I love cameos with a passion. I've been eyeing this one, though it is just the cameo its self. I need to find the perfect setting for it to make it into a necklace. 


9. Dulce Calaveritas Flying Bat Bow

I love Etsy so much, I am constantly browsing on there. I came across this shop looking at some creepy and cute hair accessories. I am totally in love with this bat bow! It is the perfect hair accessory to fuel my bat obsession. I could totally rock this. It also looks like it is very good quality. They have some other types of bows as well and a few varieties on the bat bow. 

10. Kawaii Powerup Fairy Kei Inspired Open Star Clip in teal 

Kawaii Powerup is one of my favorite Etsy shops. They sell a variety of jewelry and hair accessories that are really cute. Also all of their items are really affordable with reasonable shipping. I have ordered from them before and their products are amazing quality and the owner is really sweet! Anyway, I have been wanting a star hair clip really badly and I LOVE this one!! 

11. Purple Lace Ruffle Socks

Another random Amazon find. I really wanted some cute, but thin socks to go with my new heels and these are perfect. They're thin vintage style socks with a lace ruffle. They have them in a bunch of colors, but of course I NEED the purple.

12. Lunaricsales Too Hot For Love - Spiked Edition - Silver 

I started following this shop on instagram and fell in love with their necklaces. The owner of the shop makes some really awesome stuff! I have been wanting a spiked heart necklace for a while now, but only recently did I find this. It is perfection.

Now that you've seen this month's fashion lust list, is there anything I was lusting over and received? Oh yes! I got a few items as Christmas gifts (both from others and myself hehe)

                                     Star and moon stainless steel stud earrings

                                         Healing Crystal earring set

I had to take the picture from amazon because these are very hard to photograph.

                 This beautiful crescent moon necklace that I'm obsessed with.

                                     I also got my very first pair of heels!

Collage taken from my instagram
Anyone that knows me knows I don't really do heels. I wear sneakers almost all the time. But I decided that I wanted to start wearing some heels. I found these on amazon and they're the perfect set of beginner heels. Now let's hope I don't fall on my face!! (I'm super clumsy)

Thank you for reading as always, my dears. I hope you enjoyed this post. I'm sorry that it turned out much longer than expected!! For one of my next posts, I'm letting you decide!! So please take the poll! Or leave me a comment. If mobile, you may not be able to see the poll. Thank blogger's stupid mobile layout, sorry!

Moon prism power makeup!