Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pale Girl Problems

 Hi everyone!!! I am so frustrated. I had an awesome post done last night about my favorite anime movies, but the blogger app sucks and it wouldn't post. The draft didn't save right so I'll have to schedule it for another time (maybe tomorrow if I still have time today!). This post was sitting in my drafts, so I thought since I had the time and was at my computer I may as well edit and post it.

As anyone that follows me on Instagram or really has seen pictures of me knows - I am super pale. I am proud of my porcelain complexion! I live in a world where people prefer to be tan, and where having my complexion is the oddity. Although I love it, us ghostly looking girls do have some struggles! So today I'm talking about pale girl problems.
- Finding concealer/foundation in the correct shade


THIS right here! This is one of the biggest struggles that I encounter. Many makeup brands do not make shades fair enough for my skin. Mac's lightest shade is still at least 2 shades too dark for me.  If a brand does carry a shade light enough, they're usually too yellow based. Even worse - some oxidize once applied and make me look orange like an oompa loompa (I'm looking at you Clinique!). I have only found two foundations that spot on match me and they are Revlon colorstay (liquid and whipped) and Urban Decay Naked Skin. If they ever discontinue either one I will weep.

- Hard to find highlight colors

Anyone ever go onto Instagram and see those pictures of girls with concealer smeared all over their faces? Using a shade a few shades lighter for highlight and a few shades darker for contour?  I have the hardest time doing that! Many brands have highlight and contour palettes out now. I have yet to find one with a highlight shade light enough for me. As for concealer, I have found only one that exactly matches my skin let alone lighter.
So what do I have to do? I have to mix white foundation with my foundation for a highlight. Or hell just use the white foundation. I often have to mix white foundation to get foundations to match my skin. Manic Panic's Dreamtone White is a ghostly girl's best friend. 

- Instagram filters making your nose disappear

Hahahaha, yes this happens! The lighting in my house isn't the greatest. I often need to brighten my photos. In the process, many times it makes my nose disappear in photos xD.

- Having to stay out of the sun/ wear lots of SPF


The sun is my enemy. Seriously, I hate it. Not only do I have sensitive eyes but my skin is sun sensitive. If I don't slather on tons of SPF, I burn very easily. So I tend to stay out of the sun and wear a lot of sunscreen.

- The "you need bronzer" comments


These piss me off. You don't tell a darker skinned girl that she needs more highlights, do you? I constantly get comments like "girl you need bronzer" or "you're too pale" though ones like "you're so pale, you're nearly transparent" crack me up. My favorite is when people at cosmetic counters recommend me shades of foundation that are 2-3 shades darker to make me look "healthy" ...what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Oh yeah, my face is 3 shades darker than the rest of me so it looks healthy!! This is why I don't let my friends to go the cosmetic counters alone!

- Eyebrow shading

My hair/eyebrows are an odd shade. You can't really tell from photos because my hair color looks different based on the lighting. It is an odd mix of brown and blonde. I have a hard time finding brow filler for my eyebrows because of this. My biggest problem: sometimes a shade that matches my eyebrows perfectly is too dark in contrast with my skin! I often have to opt for blonde toned brow fillers and build them.

- Dark lipsticks make lips look tiny

I know other people have this issue, but darker lip shades in contrast to my skin make my lips look SO much smaller!!

- People think you're a vampire


Okay, they may not TRULY thing you are. People mostly just joke that I look like a vampire or a ghost. Though I'm pretty sure in high school a few people really thought I was one. 

- Blush makes me look like a hooker

I have to go with a very light hand when I wear blush, especially if it's pink or I look like a hooker. 

- Redness for DAYS 

My fellow porcelain ladies are no strangers to redness. Though I do naturally have a lot of redness to my face, when you have really light skin you're more prone to redness. Wax your eyebrows? You'll have red patches for days. Exercise for 5 minutes? Your face will be red for a few hours. 

There you go! I'm sure there are more struggles but that's all I can think of. Hope you all got a laugh out of this! 


Heather Zombie <3

1 comment:

  1. Awww... I think it's cute. You look very nice no matter how pale. I'm not the tannest person either. But these sound like actual problems. Great post though. Glad to see it.
