Friday, December 4, 2015

Update on Life

Hello my dears! I'm sorry that it's been forever since I last posted anything. No, this isn't an actual blog post per-se, but an update on life and why I haven't been posting. I have been so extremely busy these days! Between reviving and running my own business and writing I have been swamped with work. I haven't had the time to even really write a new blog post let alone to post it! Don't worry though, I will find the time soon to post something of actual substance. I'm not abandoning this blog or anything, it's just going to take me a little longer to post for a while. With the holidays approaching, I know I will become significantly busier.

So what have I been up to lately? For starters, I revived my makeup artistry business. Most of my time is taken up by marketing and various behind the scenes work. It is extremely difficult to juggle so many accounts on top of my personal ones AND this blog. But, as hard work as it's been it has been extremely rewarding. It feels amazing to be my own boss and to be able to show people my website and say "Oh yeah, I have my own business.".

Another huge chunk of my time has been consumed by writing. A few weeks ago I began writing a novel from an idea that's been kicking around inside of my mind and I have been running with it. It feels wonderful to get back to fictional writing, where I avoided it like the plague because I tend to get horrible writers block. I dare say I am confident that I will actually finish this story! Which would be a first. I am hoping that it'll even be good enough to publish! Hey, you never know.

I've also been taking the odd day off to spend time with friends and to work on various home made Christmas/Yule gifts. Yes - I celebrate Christmas, but only the family and giving back aspect of it since my family celebrates. I also am celebrating Yule since I am a Wiccan. Anyway, this will be taking up even more of my time soon with family and friend gatherings. This weekend we will be decorating my home and putting up our tree. I will do my best to post pictures of the decor!

So that's pretty much what I've been up to lately. Again, I'm sorry that I haven't updated!! Anyone have any post requests? When I have the time I'm thinking of writing about manga or some shows. I'm not sure.

Until next time,


Heather Zombie <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Sorry I haven't commented sooner. But I'm so glad everything is going so well for you. Really so happy.You're really good at your work. I've done some minor writing recently too.

    Hope you have a good Yule. I've heard of it before.
