Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Weekend + Cosplay

Hello my dears!! I can't believe it, I opened up Blogger to type this post up today and I saw that this blog has over 3,000 page views!!! 

I never, ever in a million years would have thought I would get so many people reading my blog. Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart! It continuously surprises me how much people actually care about what I have to say. When I started this blog, I thought it would be cool if even 1-2 people read this blog. I was surprised when even 5 people read it. Hell, I was surprised when I started my twitter account that 10 people would follow me and be interested in my thoughts let alone the 600+ that follows me now. I was always the weird kid in school. Growing up people generally didn't care what I had to say. I continually got ignored when trying to voice opinions, I even had some people tell me "Shut up, no one cares what you think". So to have so many people care and continue to read this blog and to support me in my endeavors makes me more happy and humbled than you could ever know. 

So again, thank you so much everyone. Without your support I probably would have abandoned this blog long ago. I'll continue to do posts that interest you and to share aspects of my life with you all. You're all amazing <3.

Enough feels now, onto the post! I love when Halloween falls on a weekend day - it tends to mean that I celebrate all weekend long. At the last minute I nearly ended up losing my plans and I was unable to make new ones. That crushed me. Halloween means a lot to me. I was at the point of swearing off the holiday because every single year some sort of drama/disappointment revolving around plans. Luckily things turned out alright in the end! 

My Halloween weekend kicked off Friday, the day before Halloween. One of my close friends came over. We made cocktails, did a face mask (I'll spare you all my scary goop covered face) and watched Rocky Horror and Hellsing Ultimate. I got tipsy which was quite funny. I got cut off when I started to crack up over my own laugh. 

We tried the Game of Thrones Ale that I mentioned in a previous post. I'm not a fan of beers or rather ale so I wasn't a big fan of it. It was pretty bitter. We made cocktails called Witches' Brew which contained coconut rum, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and sprite. 

It was really good *^*. We didn't get to the vanilla vodka pictured above but I had the small bottle of marshmallow vodka and it was really good. It reminded me of UV's cake vodka. Many lewd comments at Alucard's expense were made. When my friend Beckman and I get together, the floodgates to lewdness open. Vicky usually has to deal with the aftermath...she can tell when we've hung out xD. 

I accidentally got some blood in my hair from the knife so I just went with it. 

Though we didn't do much, I felt like dressing up. This was supposed to he a creepy ghost sort of costume. I wanted to see if I could do a scary type of makeup without blood or prosthetics and still have it be creepy . And I ended up having blood in my hair anyway. Oh well! I had fun doing the makeup and taking the pictures for it. I walked around without my glasses for half the day because I really liked how this turned out.

Blueee liiipsss. This is Sweetpea and Fay's Limited Edition Lip Joule Liquid Lipstick in Lottery Bride.

I admit the blue lips are a bit bright...but honestly I just wanted an excuse to wear it!

I tried to make the scary cute. DERP. 

Halloween, I spent with my friend again. We went to Home Goods in costume. I certainly got many odd looks which was hilarious! That's probably because I looked like a gothic-hooker-anime-drag queen xD.  Sadly there was an incident that ruined the mood of the day but we still had fun. We watched anime and horror movies.

For the first part of the day, I was a gothic version of Asuna from Sword Art Online. I even carried a little plushie of Kirito around with me. This costume was interesting to deal with all day. I had limited visibility because the two sets of false eyelashes I wore were so big! They also kept hitting my glasses. I need to try to get contacts before Connecticon!

Cookie fun. I made a huge batch of Halloween sugar cookies the Thursday before Halloween and I topped them with an orange icing I made. 

My friend Becky and I

This picture makes me feel short ._.

Doesn't he look kawaii???? 

Later in the day I did a costume change and became Sakura from Naruto. This was a spontaneous costume because I had a pink wig and the leaf headband.

Sensei's pet <3. If I had Kakashi for a teacher, there sure wouldn't be much learning happening (hehe).

I became the ultimate weeb on Halloween - we watched Sword Art Online while I was Asuna. My friend kept going "there's your husbando!" Whenever Kirito was on screen. I kept going "look I'm on TV!" When Asuna was on.

I should've watched Naruto dressed as Sakura. But that would have ended in either me telling myself to shut up....or lewd comments at Kakashi's expense.

Though my friend had to leave while the night was still young I still had fun by myself. I watched some horror movies and did some Samhain rituals. For those that don't know - Halloween evolved from Samhain. Samhain is a Wiccan holiday equivalent to the Mexican Day of the Dead; it takes place on the night of October 31st and the day of November 1st. It is where the term Halloween came from, as it was referred to as All Hallows Eve. It is the day where we honor our departed ancestors. It is when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and the dead roam the earth along with us. Samhain is also New Years to many wiccans/pagans. I just use the day to celebrate spookiness and to connect with my beloved dead. I did a few Samhain prayers and I set an extra place at the dinner table to invite a departed relative and to show them respect.

Later on in the evening I did an EVP session - my very first one where I didn't have another person in the room with me.  EVP stands for electronic voice phenomena for those that don't know. It is where you try to talk with spirits and record the session. Many times spirits can leave noises or messages on a recording that you don't hear while you are recording.The session definitely was interesting. 

This is a topic I tend to steer clear from because frankly I have no patience for skeptics. If you don't share the same belief, please kindly keep comments to yourself. My house is very haunted. So many strange and creepy things happen here nearly on a daily basis. This is what I am currently writing a book about. Many people have experienced things here, so it's not just me or in my head - some experiences with multiple witnesses.

Now I am a reasonable and intelligent person. I don't see something fall or hear a noise and automatically yell "ghost!". No I try to find a rational explanation of what happened first. But there have been SO many occurrences that simply can't be explained. On Halloween I try to connect with the spirits more in hope of having an encounter. The supernatural has always fascinated me and I consider myself an amateur ghost hunter. I do know how to handle myself and protect myself so don't worry guys! 

All weekend long I found myself giving Tarot readings from my new deck. Surprisingly 99% of them were spot on! It was getting pretty creepy actually. 

To end my Halloween, I finally watch the movie It Follows which I've been dying to see! It's a horror movie about this girl that has sex with this guy - then she finds that this thing begins to follow her. It is fairly creepy, it reminds me of the Halloween movies. It has such a unique premise! I really enjoyed it.

The aftermath of Halloween:

Lashes everywhere! At least my cats didn't eat my lashes like last year. my house if you leave false eyelashes laying around my cats will eat them. I was so tired that I just took everything off in my living room and left it XD. 

Pumpkins I carved on November 1st because I wasn't ready to let go.

My favorite pumpkins! :D 

I'm going to cry this weekend when my mom forces me to take down most of my decorations. 

Anyway, that was my Halloween! What did you all do on Halloween? Comment and let me know!


Stay creepy! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you have so many people reading. And glad you had so much fun despite anything. And you look great in every picture. I might have had more fun doing stuff with you. I didn't do much. Sounds like fun.
