Thursday, October 8, 2015

Halloween Food

Picture of a pumpkin I carved as a teen.

No Halloween party is complete without food fitting the theme!  Whenever I have a party, I go a little overboard with the themed snacks. It's just so fun! Or you can just be a Halloween freak/horror nerd like me and love making spooky themed food all year long. Today's post I'll be discussing some of my favorite Halloween treats that I've made. You can find many, many more on my Halloween food pinterest board:

(You should all totally follow me there by the way. If you follow me on Pinterest comment here or tweet me and I'll follow back!).

Without further ado, here we go! Forgive any sloppiness, my food always tastes wonderful...but can look a bit sloppy at times. Some of these pictures are quite old as well. 

Blood splatter ice cream

This is actually a Halloween food of my own recipe! My mom made home made strawberry syrup. I don't know what her recipe is, just that she used a package of strawberries, sugar, lemon juice and maybe water. Actual strawberry syrup is key or the red color. Hershey's syrup looks too pink.

Anyway, I thought it would taste good on vanilla ice cream so I put a little on top of it. I then realized it looked like blood splatter. So I went a little nuts with the syrup splatter and voila blood splatter ice cream! I used Friendly's Vanilla Bean ice cream here. I like to think of this as American Horror Story inspired since I made it for the night of the new season premier (which I'm hoping to discuss at some point this week or next week). 

Witch hat cookies

These are super easy to make! I got this recipe from Pinterest a few years ago when I was having a Halloween party. You just need some orange colored icing (you can make your own or buy it), hershey's kisses and Keebler fudge stripe cookies.

Take the cookies,place them chocolate side up. Then place a dot of icing in the center and top with a hershey's kiss.
Halloween Sugar cookies

This picture is like 4-5 years old now. I swear my decorating skills have vastly improved.

These are self explanatory. Make a sugar cookie dough for making cut out cookies and use Halloween cookie cutters. You can easily find some at Walmart or a party store. Then decorate with icing or sprinkles

Candy corn cheesecake mousse 

This is a recipe I found on Pinterest for a Halloween party I had. My friends are still complimenting it! Essentially this is a cheesecake mousse colored to look like candy corn. To make this you need:

  • One 8 ounce package of cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • 1 small container of cool whip, thawed
  • Orange and yellow food coloring
  • candy corn to garnish     

1. Beat the cream cheese in a large bowl with an electric mixer until fully smooth. You don't want any lumps! 

2. Slowly add the powdered sugar, then the milk/cream. Add vanilla

3. Continue mixing. Beat for about 1 minute on medium to medium high speed. 

4. Fold the  cool whip into the cream cheese mixture and stir until fully combined. I always use a rubber spatula to complete this step. 
5. Get a smaller bowl. Scoop about 1/3 of the mixture into the bowl, add orange food coloring and stir. Scoop another 1/3 of the mixture into another bowl and stir in yellow food coloring. 
6. Scoop the white mousse into a piping bag, squeeze a layer into the bottom of a small dessert dish of your choice. I used small glasses to keep the candy corn look. Repeat with a later of orange and then finally the yellow on top. 
7. Refrigerate your mousse for at least 30 minutes before serving. 
8. Garnish with candy corn. 

Vampire cupcakes

This one is also super simple. Bake cupcakes - any type you would like. Top with white frosting and put 2 dots of red food gel on top. Make sure to indent the tip of the tube of food gel into the cupcake a little to get it to look like an actual bite. 

You can also take some plastic vampire fangs, cut them in half horizontally and stick them into the cupcake.

You can also take black or even dark purple frosting and draw Jack Skellington's face on top.

My cake decorating skills were shit in high school. 

And what party isn't complete without drinks? There are tons of Halloween themed drinks on the internet - alcoholic and non alcoholic. Punch is a staple at my Halloween parties. You can make a punch in so many ways as well as decorate it to fit the theme in many ways.

My Halloween punch consists of a bottle of ginger ale, 4 cups pomegranate juice, 2 cups orange juice and 2 cups pineapple juice. Mix all of the juices together and add the ginger ale just before serving. I also may have added food coloring to this batch to improve the color.

And I like to get some rubber gloves, fill them with water and freeze for severed ice hands. You can also drop gummy worms into your punch.

There you have it, some Halloween food inspiration to go with our movie lists and music list. What should be next in my Halloween countdown? Comment and let me know!


Death of the party

P.S I'm noticing a weird formatting issue with my posts lately where they have a white background. I have no idea what's causing this but I'm working on it.

UPDATE: It was a simple HTML problem, I'm working on fixing the other posts like that. 


  1. I would break my diet for all of these! Strongly considering the cheesecake mouse, but I think I'll add my protein powder to soften the guilt XD Also the frozen ice hands is a genius idea! By the way, is Halloween mostly your day, or does the family get involved in it too? I can't help but wonder.

    As for future topics, I'd love to see your take on trick-or-treating. Do you have any pregame rituals? Any fun surprises in store for the kiddies? I'm dying to know what it's like to visit your door on Halloween. Maybe you could also add your dos-and-don'ts of giving out candy, if you have any. Like what are your favorite things to give? Have you ever seen a house that gives out terrible treats? These are types of things I want to see haha.

    1. Hahahaha! I've somehow shown a lot of restraint with mine and haven't made any Halloween goodies this year. When I do, I'm justifying it because I've been working out a lot lately. Bahaha protein powder works!

      My family isn't into Halloween, it's just my day. It is just me, my mom and our two cats. My dad died almost 4 years ago. My mom is like the grinch of Halloween. She isn't into it and rolls her eyes at me when I'm getting all spooktastic. But she puts up with...not like she has a choice though! Lol. Halloween wasn't my dad's favorite holiday but he got into the spirit. He loved kids so he was always buying lots of candy and decorating for the trick r treaters. I had a big Halloween party my senior year of high school and he threw most of it together. So yeah, it's just my day. I always make sure I have plans on Halloween so I share the day with friends.

      Thanks for the suggestion! I have this post mostly written. I'm going away this weekend and I'm hoping to queue it before I leave. All of these questions shall be answered! ^_^. Thanks for commenting, I love your comments!! <3

  2. You are a good cook aren't you. At least with Halloween, Heh heh I'd eat almost all of this if you made it for me. Looks great too. Maybe I could make it for you.
    Glad to see you update. Sorry it took a day or two but I DM'ed you something which might be why.
