Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My top 5 horror movies!!!

Hello my dears! I hope you all made it through the blizzard safe and sound. The storm was kind of a joke where I live. It veered more east than predicted and we only got 6 inches of snow plus wind. But I am very happy that it wasn't worse and I got to keep my power (and my beloved, wifi.  *In Gollum voice* My precious.). 

Today I'm going to talk about one of my most favorite subjects: my favorite horror movies!! Warning, this is a long one! But that can't really be helped, I am a fangirl at heart and gushing about the things I love is just what I do. Ready for a peak inside of my twisted, horror obsessed mind? 

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 

This movie is about a young girl named Nancy who starts seeing Freddy Krueger, a man with a green and red striped sweater, a fedora and knife fingers who is out for blood. He seems like just a nightmare, but soon Nancy begins to realize he isn't just in her mind. He begins killing her friends in their dreams and they actually die (in beautifully gruesome manners). Nancy must find a way to defeat him before Freddy gets her too.

For those that think Freddy is obsessed with Christmas, he's not. Wes Craven (one of my favorite horror directors/creators. Also creator of Nightmare on Elm Street) has said that his sweater is red and green because those are the two colors hardest for the human eye to see. I could probably do an entire post just on tidbits about this movie. For those curious, check out the fantastic documentary (4 beautiful hours long) Never Sleep Again. It should still be on Netflix, I am overdue for a re-watch.

Nightmare on Elm Street is my favorite horror movie of all time. I love Freddy Krueger with a passion, he's my all time favorite horror villain. He is such an iconic, badass character. He's sharp witted and a smartass. He comes out with the best lines! My favorite comes from Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors where he says "Welcome to primetime, bitch!" when about to kill Jennifer.

[For those of you reading from the mobile site, the video above may not show. You can check it out here: ]

 Robert Englund is a wonderful human being. What's so unique about this movie is it isn't a typical slasher. It took some imagination. I love that you can't escape Freddy even in your dreams. It has some really cool scenes, one of my all time favorite horror scenes is in it. It's the scene when Freddy kills Glen (Johnny Depp's character) and a gigantic gush of blood flows/pours up from the bed to the ceiling. It's so beautiful! I also love the scene where Tina was killed.

[For mobile readers, you can see the above video here:]

2. Trick R Treat  

If you're a horror fan and love the holiday Halloween, check out this movie. It is an anthology film: featuring five different stories that all connect in one way or another. I will say what I can without giving away too many spoilers. The stories include a married couple that blows out a jack o'lantern before midnight, a young woman looking for the right date to bring to a Halloween party, a high school principal who isn't as good natured as he seems, some young (asshole) teens that play a mean joke on an innocent girl...only to have it go wrong and an old man that lives alone.

The entire movie takes place on Halloween night. A little burlap sack rag doll creature is seen throughout the film with his trademark bitten lollipop. His name is Sam, he is the spirit of Halloween and he sort of takes revenge on those that don't respect the spirit of Halloween. This movie has pretty much everything: ghosts/zombies, werewolves, a little bit of vampire action and serial killers. There are some awesome kills. SPOILER ALER for those who haven't seen the movie: my favorite scene is when Laurie turns into a werewolf and Marilyn Manson's "Sweet Dreams" plays. I love the look of the scene and the music fits it perfectly. It also cracks me up when Anna Paquin (Actress that plays Laurie) says "It's my first time". This is the perfect Halloween horror movie, I always have to watch this movie on Halloween.

There is a Trick R Treat 2 in the works, but there hasn't been any confirmed new news on the project since 2012 (as far as I know). Trick R Treat came out in 2007.

3. House of 1000 corpses

This movie is brutal, definitely not for the easily grossed out. It's a horror lover's dream. It is one of those movies for hardcore horror fans, if you're a casual fan you will probably be terrified.

This movie is about a group of friends; two young couples taking a road trip to write about obscure roadside attractions. They meet a foul mouthed clown named Captain Spaulding, who runs "Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters and Madmen" which includes a strange combination of a gas station, fried chicken and a serial killer ride. Captain Spaulding tells them the legend of Dr. Satan and they go off in search of the tree he was hanged from. This quest is short lived, as their car breaks down and a hitchhiker they pick up named Baby brings them to her house. There they meet the Firefly family: an eccentric family of murderers. The family attacks them and all must try to survive and find a way out of the house. The house is filled with dead bodies, so it truly is the house of 1000 corpses.

[For those of you reading from the mobile site, the video above may not show. You can check it out here:]

This is a Rob Zombie movie, I am a huge fan of his horror films. It's an homage to 70s horror movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes. It is actually set in the 70s. I love how gruesome and violent this movie is. At one point, one of the guys is killed and then his body is sewn into a mermaid taxidermy. I love Captain Spaulding, he's hilarious and of course a murderous clown. His character is pure gold. I love Sheri Moon Zombie, she is Rob's wife who plays Baby. She's in all of his movies and she's actually from my state of Connecticut. My dad actually met both Sheri and Rob once, I was SO pissed that he didn't get me an autograph.

I'm (for the record) not called Heather Zombie because of my love for Rob Zombie, it's a nickname I got in high school for being really into horror movies and always doing creepy makeup...also because I was (and still can be) a pretty spooky chick. I was known at one point for being the creepy chick with the crazy makeup that always wore a vampire fang necklace and a necklace that looked like zombie hands.

I sadly need to get a new copy of this movie, my old copy is scratched all to shit.

4. Halloween

Next to Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers is my baby <3.

I consider both the original John Carpenter's Halloween as well as Rob Zombie's remake here. But I can agree that the original is way, way better.

The original, 1978 Halloween is about Michael Myers, an indestructible man escaping from a mental hospital to go on a killing spree in his hometown of Haddonfield. He was put in a mental hospital after he murdered his older sister as a child on Halloween night. Though we don't learn until the 2nd Halloween movie what his true motive is (SPOILER ALERT: he wants to kill his little sister who was just a baby when he murdered his older sister. The baby was placed for adoption after the suicide of his grief stricken mother. His baby sister is actually Laurie Strode.)

Amidst his rampage, Myers begins to stalk a girl named Laurie Strode and her friends Annie and Lynda. Later that night while Laurie is babysitting Tommy (as well as Lindsey because Annie wanted to spend some alone time with her boyfriend). She later discovers her friends dead (Annie is killed, about to see her boyfriend for some alone time. Lynda is killed along with her boyfriend after having sex.) - and their killer Michael Myers. Haven't you kids learned yet? In horror movies sex = DEAD!

Laurie must fight to survive and keep the children safe. It's a race against time to see if Dr. Loomis, who was in charge of Michael and spends the entire film trying to track him down - can get to Michael before Michael can kill Laurie.

What I love about this movie is first of all, it is a classic! One of the first definitive slashers. It is beautifully done without the cheap scares we see today and the suspense is slowly built. I very much appreciate that Laurie was made to be an intelligent and level headed girl. Jamie Lee Curtis does a fantastic job portraying Laurie. She is one of the most notable scream queens and is just plain badass in this role! I love how indestructible Michael is and how mysterious he is. When I started seriously getting into horror in my early teens, this was the first older classic that I watched.

Rob Zombie's version of the movie is a little different. We see more about Michael Myers' past, rather than most of the film focusing on Laurie. We see what caused him to snap. It is a lot gorier (yay!!). We see the legendary night where Michael kills his sister...then her boyfriend....and his step dad both of the latter not in the original. We also see Mrs. Myers commit suicide. It's made pretty apparent that Laurie and Michael are related. I love this movie and I think it was a fantastic remake (which we don't see much of!) Though it isn't perfect.

The actress that plays Laurie, Scout Taylor Compton (though I like her in other films) is fucking annoying. Oh my god. Hearing her scream made me want to stab myself in the ears with a sharp pointy object. Even worse when she won't shut the fuck up screaming and whining. She is nowhere near as badass as Jamie Lee Curtis was. Sadly she gets even more whiny and annoying in the sequel. At the end, I found myself rooting for Michael to kill her. Though...I do tend to root for the villain in horror films.

5. The Conjuring

I normally don't consider horror movies so recent as favorites. Most of them these days are shit. I tend to favor the classics. But THIS movie was an exception. 

The Conjuring is about  the Perron family in the 1970s who have just moved into a new home, an old farm house. They begin to realize that they aren't alone and something fairly nasty begins to terrorize them. They request the help of famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. They discover something more sinister is haunting the family and they have to try to stop it.
This movie is based on a true story, though of course embellished for Hollywood as all of these "based on a true story" movies are. None of the more drastic hauntings such as the levitation happened.

Being the lover of paranormal research as well as having numerous experiences (go ahead skeptics, call my crazy) I am a big fan of the Warrens. Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson did a fantastic job portraying them. I like how they showed what their lives are also like outside of their jobs. I loved the little cameo by Lorraine Warren herself, she can be seen sitting in the audience in the scene where Ed and Lorraine are giving a lecture. Unfortunately, for some reason youtube or blogger will not let me embed the video of her cameo here (fuckers), so to view it you will have to go to this link:

This was an exciting movie and not your typical haunted house movie. It has some great scares and the acting was really good. The soundtrack is fantastic and really adds to the atmosphere. And how could I forget the beloved doll Annabelle? Who actually happens to be a Raggedy Anne doll in real life.

Because who would be scared of little old Raggedy? There is a prequel to The Conjuring called Annabelle featuring the infamous doll. There is also a sequel to The Conjuring in the works.

Honorable mentions:

The Scream Franchise 

I pretty much grew up on the Scream movies. I can remember being a little kid watching them with my aunt. The first one is a classic and they really went outside of the box,  not really taking its self too seriously in a way exposing all of the horror cliches and shaking things up. Though ghost face never scared me (movies don't scare me at all), the boys in my neighborhood chasing me down the  street with the ghost face mask sure as hell did! There is a scream TV series being developed for MTV....I'm afraid to see how this turns out.

The Chucky/Child's Play Franchise 

I love Chucky!! Not only does he have some great kills but he's hilarious! I especially love Bride of Chucky when Tiffany comes into the picture. Seed of Chucky...well I don't know what to even say about that. It was a weird ass movie that's for sure. I love the balance that the Child's Play and Chucky films have between comedy and horror. I actually do love the most recent in the franchise, Curse of Chucky. It really brought the franchise back to its horror roots which it desperately needed after Seed.

Evil Dead (Remake) 

I wouldn't call it my favorite horror film, but I do really like it.  It deserves an honorable mention for the gore alone. I'm a big gore lover (only reason I like the Saw movies). I LOVE the gore in it. I mean it's badass! A girl saws off her own arm, spurting blood everywhere and at the end blood pours from the sky. I do like this better than the original to be honest.

Every single time I watch this scene, I just laugh and cheer.

[Here's the link for my mobile readers:]

Thanks for reading and bearing with my fangirl comments! What are your favorite horror movies? I will of course be doing some more horror related posts in the future. What would you all like to see? I have a few horror related ideas already, but if anyone has suggestions I'm open to them!

Please comment (you don't need an account), tweet me (@lipstickxzombie) or shoot me an email ( letting me know! I love seeing all of your comments and suggestions. I am glad to (within reason) give you dear readers some of the content you want to read. Hope you all have a lovely day!

Stay creepy

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