Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Being true to yourself

Hello my dears! I hope this post turns out alright, I am attempting to use the very terrible Blogger app for the first time to post something. So if this looks off...that's why!! 

This post is going to sound like something out of a Sailor Moon says segment. But it's truly important! Be true to yourself always. You won't get anywhere in life being something you're not or doing something you aren't cool with. If you somehow manage to, then you're definitely not happy right?

For years, I tried so hard being things and yes cared about what people thought. A lot of it being how I dressed. At a point in my life I was goth and let me tell you, it was hard and too much effort! I was always trying too hard and wondering if things I wore were "dark enough". I was fearful of wearing anything remotely colorful because I didn't want to be judged as a fake goth. Which was so ignorant! Don't get me wrong, at the time I was totally into the style and by no means pretending, but I put way too much effort into it.

Then there was my scene kid phase. Do you, dear readers remember that horrific time period? Those days in the mid 2000s where being popular on myspace was "important". Where people looked like a rainbow threw up on them and had ridiculous hair. When guys wore eyeliner and wore pants so tight that it looked like the circularion to their balls was being cut off. Yes....I was one of them. I used to wear a neon purple paint splatter shirt, animal prints like crazy, horrible neon colored eyeshadow (oh yes...I did...and not blended well I dare say). I would wear dead glowsticks as bracelets and oh the terrible hair. I attempted to tease it when it really looked like a rat's nest with way too much hairspray. Worst of all I used to stick in those little neon hair extensions from Hot Topic in...and in a way that it was totally obvious that they were fake. I would take selfies with cans of hairspray. I shudder at the memories.

At the time my best friend was dressing this way. I thought it was cool and liked the style so I started dressing that way too. But I tried way too hard! It was ridiculous! I would even wear these shirts that were too tight because they were "scene". I cared so much about looking scene enough. It was all ridiculous! One day I finally realized that doing shit like this wasn't me!

So I stopped being things that I'm not. I dress however the hell I want now. I sont try to fit any sort of particular image. I don't care what people say or think about it. I work my crazy, all over the place style! I also stopped caring what people think about me and I don't care about being judged. Life is too short to worry about things like that. And honestly why should I let some asshole who thinks I'm weird or the way I dress is horrible impact my life? In fact I tend to laugh or take it as a compliment. Call me a freak? Thank you so much!! <3. I embrace it and I am proud of being my weird kooky self! 

I got told last week by probably 2 people that I "need help" because I posted a vine of myself fangirling. I just laughed, not my fault that people can't handle my eccentricities and how I express myself! People take things too seriously, when I post stuff like that it's meant to be funny. But anyway,I don't let such small things affect me so no harm done. 

Being yourself is so important. Don't waste time being someone you aren't. Fuck any haters or anyone who tries to put you down. They are just bored or miserable with their lives. So just do you! You will find that you will get further in life and be happier. In fact, when I was in high school when I started laughing at those that tormented me and started being a smart ass towards them, they started leaving me alone. Their words lost all power with me and they eventually became bored. 

Always do what makes you happy and stay true to your ideals. Don't let people pressure you into things or keep you from doing what you love. When I told people that I wanted to be a makeup artist, everyone doubted me. My family told me that I wouldn't get anywhere with it. Some of them laughed at me and told me I could never actually make a living doing makeup. That I'm not talented enough. Then proceed to try to shove the professions they wanted for me down my throat. They tried to force me into taking college classes for things THEY wanted me to do, things that I don't like. And with what money?? I know I can't afford college and neither can they. They told me to spend the rest of my life being a secretary because I'm good at typing and can make a lot of money.

But you know what? Life isn't worth it if you're not doing something you're passionate about! At least to me. I said fuck them. I went on to do what I want to. I went to cosmetology school. People had the nerve to tell me that I wasted my time and money....just because I wasn't making any money. Let me tell you, it is hard starting your own business! It also takes years. Rome wasn't built in a day. I took the time between jobs here and there to build my skills. I continued to practice and better myself then I gradually started posting my work to social media. At first it started with relatives commenting that "it's gross" and asking "why would you post something like that?". But as I continued to post, I got less of those types of comments and more people praising my work and asking how I did it. With every single makeup piece that I post I get a bigger and better response.

I now have the people that doubted me start to say that I'm really good at this! And that I should go towards my goal. I even have some of the naysayers lecturing the other naysayers. They are the same people now that have the nerve to expect me to do their makeup for free. I was once told by a relative that said I wasted my time and money that I should go back to school to learn how to do nails so that I could do theirs.

So what does that tell you? Follow your dreams and be true to yourself! If you don't you will always regret it. Be real and genuine. When you act fake, you're just letting yourself down. Chances are if you're totally yourself people will like you more. I hope that this post empowers some of you! Be proud of who you are! I'm hoping to have more posts like this discussing important topics and my experiences. I actually have a post I have had written for some time that is very personal that I may eventually share. I've been debating on if I want to post it for some time now. My goal here with these types of posts is to help you guys and show you you're not alone <3. 


Moon prism power makeup! 


  1. Now this is a real nice post. And it doesn't look weird at all.

  2. Very inspirational blog Heather Moon! ^^

  3. Thank you!! ^__^ I'm glad you liked it! I hope that at least one person that read this was helped by it. I may venture into some deeper more personal topics, as long as it helps someone though it's worth it. Lol I thought I was Sailor Zombie? XD
