Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top 5 Horror Heroines + New Poll

Hiii! I almost didn't post today because I'm incredibly exhausted and things aren't going good at all right now. I'm stuck in a ridiculous situation causing all of this so I am unsure of when my next post will be up. But I thought since I haven't posted in days, I should today. Also NEW POLL! Help me choose my next anime topic!

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentines day and weekend. My Valentines day was good! I got some nice messages and valentines cards. I never got any sort of attention on Valentines day before unless it was a joke or someone felt sorry for me. My past valentines days have consisted of guys sending me flowers as a joke pretending to be secret admirers. (I didn't fall for it and I indeed did catch them laughing about it. Haha joke's on them, I found it hilarious that they spent money on me just for a prank), people asking me out as a joke and friends feeling sorry for me. So it was nice that some people truly cared this year. And you know who you are <3. ^_^

What did you all do for Valentines day? I spent the day being kind to myself. I had a horror marathon, I baked myself a cake. I bought myself a few things and made my favorite dinner. Then watched Sailor Moon and Toonami. It was a good year in my book!

So since I haven't posted anything horror in a while, here is my top list of horror heroines. Nothing makes me happier than an intelligent and badass female in a horror movie kicking ass and taking names. I'm sure I forgot someone in this list (watch me think of someone else after this is posted) but here are my picks:

1. Heather Langenkamp as Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street

Nancy is an awesome character. She is intelligent, not just a stupid piece of eye candy. She tries hard to find a solution to her problems herself. She takes charge when it comes to taking down Freddy and she succeeds. She also doesn't plead or beg for mercy like most girls her character's age would. She spends the movie frighting instead of succumbing to the fear.

2. Neve Cambell as Sidney Prescott in Scream

I love the scream franchise and Sidney is no exception. She's also intelligent and thinks things through. She's not there just for a sex scene. Throughout the Scream movies we see her become tougher in a way. She starts to defend herself more and fight against whoever is trying to kill her. Even though she has been through the  terrible scenario many times, she doesn't let it get her down or really control her life. She keeps living and uses her experiences to help others.

3. Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode in Halloween

I'm sure I've discussed Laurie here before. Laurie is intelligent as well, she is pretty conservative and thinks things through more than her friends. She is very logical. When Michael comes after her, she doesn't just trip and plead for her life. Instead she takes control, doing what she can to keep Tommy and Lindsey safe. She does what she can to defend herself and fiercely fights to live. Although it makes me sad that she let the entire experience control her life (though I don't blame her) as seen in H20, she is still a badass and does everything in her power to protect her son and fight against Michael Myers.

4. Katharine Isabel as Mary Mason in American Mary

Katharine Isabel is one of my favorite horror actresses. She does such a great job in the genre without being annoying or a stupid character. I personally have seen her in Ginger Snaps, Freddy Vs Jason and American Mary.

My favorite character of hers is Mary Mason. Mary is an aspiring med student who is drugged and raped by her professor. Instead of letting the fear and sadness consume her, she gets her beautifully violent revenge on him. She lets the incident shape her life in a positive way, as a result she finds a passion for underground body modification surgeries. Though her ending wasn't so happy. I love that she's an extremely intelligent character and didn't let the piece of shit that raped her get away with it.

5. Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley in Alien

Ripley is badass! I have only seen the first Alien but I have been assured that she's just as awesome in the others. She was the only survivor when an Alien came  aboard of the space shuttle she was on and killed all of her fellow astronauts. Instead of wallowing in fear she hunted the alien to kill it before it killed her. She didn't let it get the better of her and she dominated the fucker! She is tough and aggressive, which I love that about her.

This list was tough to decide, let's face it most female characters in horror movies annoy me and I root for the villain to chop them into pieces. But each of these women are fantastic and make me actually root for them. Who are your favorite horror heroines? Comment and let me know!
Hope everyone has a spooktacular day!


Moon prism power makeup


  1. I don't do Horror but this was a nice list.

    1. I know you don't, but thanks! Alien can be classified as scifi too though, I think. It's a really good movie either way.

    2. True. And let's not talk about what the aliens could mean in some way. But the guy who made them, he really looks like he should be doing stuff like that. One scary blank.
