Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentines day recipe - Chocolate raspberry muffins

I had an interesting adventure in recipe making last weekend. We needed to go grocery shopping very badly. When we don't have anything to snack on, I get very creative and make something based on ingredients we have in the house. I was DYING for muffins, but I only had frozen raspberries on hand (I normally make muffins with Blueberries). I'm not a fan of simple raspberry muffins so I thought, you know what goes great with raspberries? CHOCOLATE!!!


  1. I think I can bake this or more. I just have no one to cook for. Good recipe.

    1. You can always bake them for yourself! I'm going to be making myself a cake and treating myself for Valentines day. Thanks! ^_^ if you try it, let me know!
