Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sailor Moon Crystal - Episode 15: Recap, Thoughts and Sailor Moon memories


Hello lovelies! I finally got around to watching the latest Sailor Moon Crystal episode yesterday (well, as I am writing this on monday, I watched it today. I write most of my posts ahead of time.). This post is full of spoilers for those that have not watched it yet, so you have been warned. Proceed with caution. This is the episode that I was most excited for! This arc (better known as Sailor Moon R) in the original anime was one of my top favorites. The Spectre sisters are my all time favorite villains. Also Chibi-Usa first appears in this story arc so I just love it so much. All of the images of this post were actually me taking pictures of scenes while I watched the episode on my tv. They may not be the best quality, but it's a hell of a lot easier to just take my own images than spend an hour scouring the internet for some.

This episode started off where the last one left off. Chibi-Usa is holding a gun to Usagi's head and everyone is freaking out. Just as Chibi-Usa is about to shoot Usagi, Mamoru decides to finally do something. He picks her up, and the gun is actually a confetti gun. Usagi had already fainted.

They changed the opening title sequence for this new arc! I didn't pay attention to most of it, but I noticed at the end that they showed Chibi-Usa

Some of the new villians; Rubeus, King Demande, The Wise Man, Saphir and Esmeraude


I legit screamed of excitement when I saw Pluto.

So the new villains of the Black Moon are discussing how they want to get the silver crystal. Demande and Rubeus are so pretty *^*. I love their new designs. The Spectre sisters appear. I literally screamed! I love them so much, especially Koan. Koan is my favorite, she's like my spirit animal. I'm interested to see how she differs compared to the old anime. In the old anime she was sassy and loved fashion...and lipstick. One of my favorite scenes of hers from the original anime was her talking to Rubeus saying how she wanted to go get another new shade of lipstick. Rubeus asks "Don't you have enough lipstick already?" to which she replied " A girl can never have too many lipsticks". She's totally like me *^*!

The scene shifts back to Mamoru and Usagi, looking for Chibi-Usa after she ran off. They find her sitting on a swing set mumbling about wanting her mom. Mamoru offers to take her home, with that he takes her hand and he has a vision. Mamoru is carrying Chibi-Usa as him and Usagi arrive at her home. A really cute scene with Usagi's family plays out, I love that we have seen some more of her family in Sailor Moon Crystal. You very rarely catch glimpses of them in the original anime. Papa Tsukino is handsome!! Mama Tsukino is so beautiful. Chibi-Usa casts some magic on the family (save for Usagi and Mamoru who escape it) so that they think she is Usagi's little cousin Usagi. During a scene with Chibi-Usa and Usagi in Usagi's room, we notice that Chibi-Usa has a silver crystal on a chain around her neck. Usagi inspects her transformation compact...and her crystal is still there.

In the next scene, the senshi are sitting around eating ice cream, discussing Chibi-Usa. Luna gives them new transformation pens and watches (I forgot to take a picture ;____;). A friend of Makoto's and an underclassman that knows Mamoru comes upon the scene, which serves in reminding Makoto and Rei to get to school.  Rei tells everyone that she will be fortune telling at her school's festive and that they should all come see her. Rei goes to her school's Supernatural Research Club  as they discuss their plans for the festival to attract new members to their club. The president (to Rei's disappointment) tells her about some UFO sightings that members have documented and that some people have been abducted. She then discusses a phenomena she had been researching called spontaneous combustion where people will without cause burst into flames and be burned alive. Another student comes in mentioning a Black Moon.  Hmmm...now what does that sound like?
That scene made me really happy to watch, it was just like the manga! Rei  then has a dream that is a  vision of some unknown enemies (Koan and some monsters. But Shhh we don't know that at this point of the episode!) attacking a man.

The next day, Usagi is seen getting ready to go see Rei at the festival. We see Rei fortunetelling there. Suddenly the supernatural club has a problem - there is another fortune teller telling people when they're going to die. Rei tells them off. A bit later, two women (I think they were nuns) spontaneously burst into flames. Suddenly, the senshi are seen running in and they transform. Chibi-Usa happens to see them transforming.

They waste the black moon monsters that have appeared. Their master reveals herself as Koan (I totally forgot to take a picture ;_____;), the youngest of the Spectre sisters of the Black Moon. Koan looks beautiful and just as fabulous as the original anime. Perhaps better. I am so happy that she doesn't have that sort of annoying accent anymore!! The senshi attack Koan and Koan sets Sailor Mars on fire in the same blue flames as the nuns. She is about to set Sailor Moon on fire when Tuxedo Mask  suddenly pounces in and fends off the attack.

Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon join hands and suddenly a new weapon appears from their love!!

It is none other than  the moon rod! Sailor Moon uses this new weapon against Koan, defeating her. When Koan is gone, Rubeus appears. He then takes off with Sailor Mars.

This was a really good episode! A bunch of developments happened. I fangirled a lot. It was as usual beautifully animated. Seeing my lovely Spectre sisters again was a treat. I'm excited to see how this arc goes and how it compares to the manga. I will admit, I'll totally miss the cheesy English songs that they put in the dub this season. Personally, one of the most iconic scenes for me from Sailor Moon R, from the episode "Naughty N' Nice", Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask are fighting Rubeus and the song "She's Got The Power" is playing in the background. I am not sure if this is true or not, but to me it sounds like Darien/Mamoru's voice actor singing the song.

It is so iconic to me because I used to go over to my oldest friend, Brittany's house when we were in middle school probably every other weekend. We would sit in her room and watch her Sailor Moon videos. One of them was a recording she had of a marathon and it included that episode. I just have SO many memories of us watching this episode. So when I think of Sailor Moon R, I think of that scene and Rubeus being a total creep. If you think about it...a man trying to abduct a little girl. SUPER sketchy! I also totally remember us trying to act out scenes from the episodes as we watched them. I always ended up having to be Tuxedo Mask or the bad guy when we did this x____x. She had a tiara made from foil and sharpies and I had fake roses to throw xD.

 Sailor Moon was off of the air by this time. But we actually became friends due to a mutual fanship of the show. Us along with another girl we used to be friends with were totally obsessed. It was probably really odd to others but we didn't care. We had a sort of secret club between the three of us where we each chose a Senshi to represent. I was Venus, Brittany was Sailor Moon and the other girl was Uranus. We later roped someone else in (who wasn't as interested) and they became Sailor Mercury. We used to dress as our favorite characters (or at least try to) a lot. I recall getting blonde highlights and wearing a red ribbon in my hair as well as wearing a LOT of orange. We would have legit Senshi meetings and pretend to fight enemies. We made tiaras from foil, transformation pens from cardboard. We even had a coronation for our Sailor Moon to become Princess Serenity when she turned 13. I know, it sounds totally lame and funny. But I am so proud of these memories! I think it was really cool and it was something that strengthened our friendship.

We did have various other clubs (I will not discuss them now. But they were equally as interesting including my Naruto ninja club). This was back before everyone had a computer and the internet wasn't as popular. Brittany was the only one with internet/a computer and Netflix didn't even exist back then, so we had to find ways to entertain ourselves. We used our imaginations and pretended things instead of being on the computer or playing video games. And you guys know what? It was so much more fun than anything else. The 2 years that this spanned (before Brittany moved to another town. We are still really good friends and close though!) we were inseparable and those two years were two of the best in my life.

The cheesy songs are what I miss most in the new Sailor Moon dub! Most of them were really cheesy, but I loved quite a few. "Carry On", "She's Got The Power", "My Only Love" and "The Power of Love" (from the Sailor Moon R movie) are my favorites. I admittedly have them on my ipod. I have no shame!!

Sailor Moon Season 1 Part 2 is releasing today! I am so excited, it contains my favorite episode, I can't wait to see how it is with this new dub. Does anyone want me to do a review of that when I get it? I am supposed to be getting it today (at time of writing this post, it was preparing for shipment). I'm hoping that it doesn't have the same issues that the first set had. A lot of people complained about the quality. The worst that I noticed was little glitches in a few scenes and of course...I am not a fan of the box in the middle of the screen format.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a re-cap and review of this episode. I can't wait for the next episode, this whole 2 episodes a month thing drives me insane!!!

Moon prism power makeup!


  1. Nice entry! I was wondering when you'd watch it!

    1. Thank you! ^__^ Yeah, I finally did yesterday and it took forever to get through the episode because I was taking notes. Thought I would just save all of my thoughts for the post. I usually get sidetracked and forget to watch it on the weekend.

  2. That sure is a lot of great thoughts. I think we all did stuff like that as kids.

    1. Thanks! I sure hope everyone did! It was the funnest part of being a kid. I fear for kids that are kids right now because of all of this technology, they aren't forced to sit in a room with nothing but their imagination. I miss being able to do that, some of those times running around with my friends playing pretend were the most fun.

    2. That's not a thing. I think that's a bit of over-exageration. But you know how people do. I think they still do stuff. And let's not get into how I was as a kid.
