Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cosplay & Convention Planning

Hi everyone! Life has been chaotic so I haven't posted in a while. I am absolutely freaking out over The Walking Dead finale! I literally hyperventilated there at the end with how intense the final ten minutes were. I am absolutely LIVID over the cliffhanger. Now we have to wait until October to find out who died! Ughhh.

Aside from working on both of the books that I'm writing, I've been starting to plan for Connecticon. Even though it isn't until July, I am thoroughly OCD about packing and such so I'm getting a head start; it's a good idea on my part because packing for a con is overwhelming!! I am attempting to save whatever sanity I have left haha.

I also am working on planning and gathering pieces for my cosplays. This is equally overwhelming, especially as someone who hasn't made an entire costume before and as someone who turns into a perfectionist at times. I did stick with two fairly easy characters, but I hadn't realized just how much things start to add up when making a cosplay. I am so glad that I have started gathering pieces this early! I am still at the beginning stages, but the app Cosplanner is already being a huge help.

 You can list all of the cosplays you are working on - I am planning to cosplay as Usagi from Sailor Moon Crystal and Marceline from Adventure Time. The other two cosplays are my boyfriend's, which I'm helping him with.

Yes, I convinced him to be Mamoru! *^*.....he's a keeper 💜. You can list all of the pieces you need to make and buy for each cosplay and you can add notes, tasks and reference photos.

I highly recommend spending the 99 cents on the pro upgrade so that you can add more reference pictures. This app is not only helping me to stay organized and keep track of what I need,but it also will keep me from buying the wrong supplies while on the go.

Another app that is a huge help for me so far is Pack your Suitcase. You can make lists for what you need to pack for a trip with sub categories. I will have SO many things to pack so this will keep me from tearing my hair out.

I have beautiful custom icons *^* I use the app CoCoppa to customize my icons.

Pinterest, Tumblr and YouTube help a lot as well. I have been researching Con tips and suggestions of things to bring with me. This has been exceptionally helpful with planning my con survival backpack and cosplay repair kit. I have never been to a con before so as I always do,I'm doing a ton of research so that I can be prepared as much as I can be.

My question to you all is what convention tips do you have?

And tomorrow Sailor Moon Crystal season 3 premiers!! I am so excited!

I hope you all survived the Walking Dead finale and are having a lovely evening!


Heather Zombie 💜

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You're so organized. Hope the cons are fun. Bring pictures please? Maybe make a blog post about it.
