Monday, April 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1

Finally, Game of Thrones has returned!!!! I feel like I've been waiting forever for it to come back on, the wait has been even worse with that cliffhanger of season 5. I probably don't have to warn you, but this post is loaded with spoilers, so read at your own risk. Now I am attempting to remember what occurs from memory and sharing my thoughts. For once I felt like I was left with more questions than the answers I craved.

Let's start with Sansa and Theon/Reek. Both Theon and Sansa survived their leap from the castle and run off into the Woods to escape Bolton's men and dogs. They leap through frozen water and find a hiding spot...well that didn't last long. The men find Sansa and forcefully grab her. When all hope seems lost Brienne appears! Her and Podrick fight Bolton's men and slaughter them, saving Sansa's ass. Brienne then pledges her service to Sansa and Sansa accepts. I was actually really hoping for Sansa and Theon to be separated asks for her to have to learn to survive on her own. I'm so sick of damsel in distress/ weak and whiny Sansa. Grow some balls, girl!! I was extremely irked by her protest against going into the frozen seriously? You would rather be viscously ripped apart by dogs? Ughh Sansa. I hope now that she has Brienne maybe Brienne can teach her to take care of herself and to stop taking shit.

When we last saw Daenerys she had been whisked away by Drogon after that battle with the Sons of the Harpy. She is in the middle of nowhere and Drogon is injured/doesn't want to be bothered so Dany is on her own. Suddenly she has a run in with surprise - the Dothraki of the latest Khal, Khal Jhaqo and his Khalasar. She drops her ring in hopes of leaving it as a clue for someone to find her. The Dothraki take her prisoner, binding her wrists and forcing her to walk on foot. Many of the pigs men made disgusting and derogatory comments to her. Let me tell you...I was beyond pissed off at this. Nobody disrespects Khaleesi!!!! Dany was smart and held her tongue until she was taken to the Khal, where she revealed who she really is and refuses to lay with him. Finally he shows her the respect she deserves.....but then she is told she must spend the remainder of her days with the other widows of Khals in Vaes Dothrak. I'm really curious as to what this is and how she will get herself out of this. Meanwhile Jorah and Dario are out looking for her.

We are shown little of Arya - she is still blind and shown begging on the streets. This was her punishment for defying the order from the faceless man last season. The other girl from The House of Black and White attacks her and orders her to defend herself which she cannot yet. In a way I felt it was nasty of her to beat the crap out of defenseless Arya but on the other hand, she's doing her a favor by trying to teach her to cope and defend herself.

Jon's story - or for now lack there of (he's coming back guys!!!!) made me want to cry. Ghost knows he's gone and alerts the few loyal night's watchmen to his body, including Sir Davos. They along with Ghost and Melisandre lock themselves in a room with Jon's body while they figure out what to do against that fucker Alliser Thorne . Thorne basically tells them to surrender or else. I hope he gets what's coming to him. The biggest wtf of the episode is where we see the scene with Melisandre by herself. She stares into the fire flames with melancholy and begins to disrobe. She stares into a darkened, clouded mirror. One minute she's her beautiful youngest self....and then she is shown as a very old naked woman. That was a bit....unnecessary to see ._____. I didn't want to see old lady boobs and cooch. I wonder what that was all about - losing her power? We have seen her naked before but never that old. I am hoping she will use her powers to bring be k Jon. At this point I don't think he will rise as a white walker like some believe because his body is closely guarded.

Cersei and Jaime reunite and she learns of her daughter's death. As much as I hate Cercei, I felt sorry for her. She has lost everything. Or maybe I just feel sorry for Jaime and Myrcella. Though she was a bit of a brat, Myrcella was innocent and didn't deserve to die. Damn you, Ellaria!!

Speaking of Ellaria - she murders Prince Doran and the sandsnakes kill Trtstane and their men. She vows Dorne will never again be ruled by weak men. I do have to say I really like the sandsnakes, but I'm not a fan of Ellaria at the moment. She's fucking ruthless though!!

Margaery is still held by the cult like religious psychos (thanks Cersei you bitch). She won't admit to any sins but I feel she is in deep trouble. Will she be forced to take the walk of shame like Cersei?

Tyrion and Varys are still in Mireen and observing the city crumble after Daenerys' departure. There are some troublesome things such as the Sons of the Harpy still at large and some new extremists.

I think that's everything, wow a lot happened...but I still need to learn more!! I can't wait until next Sunday! One thing that really irked me was previews pre-show and last season's recap sucked up nearly 10 minutes and it ended with about 5 minutes to spare.  Come on HBO, stop stealing my GOT!!! Until next week (hopefully). What were your thoughts on the episode? Comment and let me know!

Heather Zombie

P.S. - Who has seen the latest Steven Universe trailers? I'm terrified for this latest event....someone's gonna die ;_;

1 comment:

  1. I thought you'd be excited about this.
    ...Maybe Jasper. Lapis will return but what about the weird version of the theme used in the commercial.
