Monday, March 2, 2015


Hello dear readers! I hope you are all well and not having too bad a case of the Mondays. I know I have a case of the Mondays, I just want to sit around and watch this new Kdrama I'm addicted to all day. 

I watched such an interesting horror movie saturday night called Housebound. I haven't seen anything quite like it. It's an independant movie on Netflix streaming if you would like to check it out.

Housebound is set in New Zealand and it's about a young woman named Kylie who gets in trouble with the law and is put on house arrest in her mother's home for 8 months. Her mother believes in ghosts, but she is a skeptic. Strange things begin to happen, Kylie's mother is convinced that the house is haunted while Kylie thinks she's just crazy.

Amos, a security guard/probation officer is an amateur paranormal investigator. He offers to help investigate the haunting, things only get worse. Quite a few unexplainable incidents occur which convince Kylie that there truly is a haunting. My favorites include a scene with a demonic teddy bear and when a man is stabbed to death (the lights go out, the lights flicker on for a moment and you see a figure standing there. They flicker off then back on and this man is stabbed by this metal object).

Kylie finds this teddy bear with a "record your own message" feature. It suddenly begins talking on its own in this creepy demonic voice and moving. So she throws it in the fire when it won't stop. But of course this isn't the end of the bear, as it shows up again later burnt up and talking demonocally.

We learn that the house was once a halfway house and a teenage girl was murdered there. Her murder remains unsolved and Kylie with Amos' help tries to find out what happened to put the haunting to an end. But can she find out before she is killed? That's as much as I'm going to tell you!

This is such a unique horror film. It is by no means a typical haunted house variety. This film actually combines quite a few different types of genres. It starts as a ghost story but ends as a slasher. It is totally unpredictable. I haven't seen an indie film as thrilling as this in a long time.

It is well acted (with the exception of the scene where the mother is choking). There aren't any stupid "the cat made a noise" scares. It is a breath of fresh air from the typical horror movie. I did really enjoy it and it held my attention. I'm very picky with the horror genre as of late. If I stick with it longer than 20-30 minutes then it must be good. If you are a horror fan, I highly suggest checking this one out. If you do, let me know your thoughts!


Stay creepy 


  1. Well, I'm not a horror person but you do good reviews.

    1. Thank you! ^_^. I get some of that skill from journalism classes.

    2. Welcome. Really? Interesting.
